After nearly 16 years of education or more, a person graduates and finds a white collar 9 to 5 job. From there onwards only a few greatly progress in their respective careers and the rest of the majority struggles with little or no improvement in their careers. Most of the people spend nearly 35-40 years in employment after having education but very few reach to the top of their careers to take up the responsibility of managing and executing a key post in a large successful corporation.
Now, here is your chance to know the 'why' of above common findings:
1 After graduating and finding a job, a person stops learning because he thinks it's all what he needed to know in order to find and keep a job.
2 He stops adding value to his job and does only what is assigned to him; he never goes the extra mile which is prerequisite for a rewarding career.
3 Apart from showing competence in technical matters, an employee doesn't care to polish his communication and inter personal skills. In this regard, research has shown that more employees lose their jobs or remain stagnant in their careers without promotion because they can't get along with others, i.e. have poor interpersonal and leadership skills.
4 Fear of failure stops a person from changing his current job and as a result he misses the opportunity to explore a new company or to enter into a booming industry where challenges commensurate with skills and hard work.
5 The person doesn't engage in personal strategic planning which causes him to overlook long term opportunities and over a period this attitude attunes him to instant gratification.
6 Their services lack charm, innovativeness and productivity because they get into a career rut of doing the same thing again and again with little improvement.
7 Their social network doesn't consist of people with proactive career development mentality and as a consequence they end up socializing whole of their career life with a poor people's network.
8 They work to pay their bills and don't enjoy mindfully the kind of work they do in order to get ahead or in other words they get stuck in a wrong career.
9 mind development is life development but by not exposing mind to novelty they remain under developed. Whenever a need to learn a new career skill demands their attention they become nervous.
10 They are focused on fun and easy going activities and rarely engage in career awareness activities.
Now, here is your chance to know the 'why' of above common findings:
1 After graduating and finding a job, a person stops learning because he thinks it's all what he needed to know in order to find and keep a job.
2 He stops adding value to his job and does only what is assigned to him; he never goes the extra mile which is prerequisite for a rewarding career.
3 Apart from showing competence in technical matters, an employee doesn't care to polish his communication and inter personal skills. In this regard, research has shown that more employees lose their jobs or remain stagnant in their careers without promotion because they can't get along with others, i.e. have poor interpersonal and leadership skills.
4 Fear of failure stops a person from changing his current job and as a result he misses the opportunity to explore a new company or to enter into a booming industry where challenges commensurate with skills and hard work.
5 The person doesn't engage in personal strategic planning which causes him to overlook long term opportunities and over a period this attitude attunes him to instant gratification.
6 Their services lack charm, innovativeness and productivity because they get into a career rut of doing the same thing again and again with little improvement.
7 Their social network doesn't consist of people with proactive career development mentality and as a consequence they end up socializing whole of their career life with a poor people's network.
8 They work to pay their bills and don't enjoy mindfully the kind of work they do in order to get ahead or in other words they get stuck in a wrong career.
9 mind development is life development but by not exposing mind to novelty they remain under developed. Whenever a need to learn a new career skill demands their attention they become nervous.
10 They are focused on fun and easy going activities and rarely engage in career awareness activities.
Tauseef has an MBA and is pursuing a career in Accounting. His online activities includes Hindi Song Writing, Blogging, Article Writing, Researching & Book writing.
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