There are so many ideas surrounding ways to make a camp for kids. Think back to the camps and activities that you like to go to when you were a kid. Brainstorm skills, talents or lessons that you could provide for a certain age group of children. If you have thought of an idea from something you have seen in your community or online or a camp that your own child has participated in, look into it. Here are some ideas for camps that work out well, for summer or that the idea all through the year:
o Marital arts
o Dance
o Language
o Voice lessons
o Piano
o Guitar
o Jump rope
o Horse
o Soccer camp
o Sports
o Adventure
o Drama
o Gardening
o Cooking
o Sewing & knitting
o Arts & Crafts
o Pony
o Technology
o Science
o Swim/Water Sports
o Sailing & Kayaking
o Rock Climbing
o Nature
o Yoga
o Circus
o Pottery
o Ceramics
o Manner & etiquette
Consider getting certified as a coach and hold one-on-one consultations with other parents. Seminars and workshops can be set up on particular topics are interest. Target new parent’s groups and Mom’s groups, as well as on-line to find clients.
Hot New Mom Topics:

People are willing to spend a great deal of money to teach and encourage their children to work on their musical talents. If you can play an instrument, have voice lesson experience, or have a unique musical talent, this is a great way to create extra income doing something you enjoy. Think about private lessons in your home or theirs. Don’t let the idea of a group lessons get out of the picture. Beginner piano lessons work well. offers four private lessons for $179.00. This is part of their on-line ad: “Give your voice the personal attention it deserves. Private voice lessons will make your voice strong and develop your style. And, you’ll sing the songs you love, whether you like Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop or another cool style! Each lesson is 45 minutes.”
Other ideas for music lessons:
o Voice lessons
o Piano
o Guitar
o Violin
o Flute
o Songwriting Classes
o Vocal Improvisation
Everyone is good at some subject and if you are tutoring children, chances are you can get up to their speed quickly. If you are really knowledgeable about a subject, like taking college entrance tutoring, calculus, advanced sciences and more, the pay rate may increasingly rise. Depending on what you are interested in, offer private tutoring lessons and chose your niche age-group: from preschool to high school aged kids. Parents are thirsty to get their children ahead of the ballgame when it comes to education and in the classroom. I have seen a lot of posts on Internet Mom’s groups, with inquiries of parents who are seeking someone responsible to tutor their children. Spelling, math, reading, languages, and middle school/high school subjects that you are savvy at could be an interest for parent’s to sign up their child with a tutor. Go to the National Tutoring Association ( for help and more information on tutoring online at home.
Barb Resnick of Seattle works at Little Friends Preschool every morning and then offers after school care at her home in the afternoons. She provides transportation back to her, allowing parents to have extended hours on school days. She also has a tutoring program, which consists of one hour of specific academic tutoring tailored to your child’s needs and one hour of play. This two-hour session costs 50- and parents can have more time off then a usual half-hour session, while their children learn and play.
Art studios are a great place for kids to gather their creative juices. If you have the art talent or are open to hiring skilled instructors, you could come up with a great studio plan. Have birthday parties, camps, classes and set up simple themes to keep kid’s enthused and coming back. Make your own pottery studios are always a hit, but thinking about a place to land art projects with instruction beyond what parents can provide is priceless for parents. Check out in Chicago, craft and art workshop that focuses on art with a learning towards using recycled, upcycled and products that would normally just go into the trash heap.
If you like to cook, I bet your kids do too. Take this passion and skill to another level by opening a cooking school/academy and kids will have a blast in the kitchen. Teach classes to children, making it a safe environment that encourages discovery and creativity. You could implement new themes every day, week or month, have birthday parties, summer cooking camps and special events. No child is going to outgrow the kitchen, so you can take these classes and let the classes grow with them. interactive learning experience that gives children the opportunity to develop a life-long love for the culinary arts. The best part is that they can eat as they cook and take some home for others to try!
Kitchen Kapers, in Morrestown, New Jersey, offers a summer cooking camp ranging from kids 6 to 11 or teens 12 to 16. They have guest chefs and kids will learn step-by-step recipes during each weeklong course. Located in Nyack, New York, Chefs 2 Be offers a school for all ages: the younger chefs learn to make easier recipes, like salads and desserts, while the older students dive into the main courses and appetizers.
If you are savvy with design and creation, take a look around at boutique shops, in magazines, on children and come up with a creation that inspires you. You could take a variety of gorgeous fabrics and if you can sew, create an original piece of work for baby and child. Look around at babies and children and don’t forget to spy what your own are drawn own and getting inspired to make something that you can sell. CHECK OUT the amazing online marketplace with rotating monthy featured artisans and crafters displaying their goods - it’s just like going to an upscale market except you don’t have to leave your house: Also, selling online has never been easier with low fees, easy to upload and manage your page and you don’t have to worrry about creating a personal web site.
Ideas of products to design:
• Burp cloths
• Baby blankets
• Baby t-shirts
• Kid Tee-shirts
• Inspired Clothing
• Baby’s Booties, Slippers or Shoes
• Novelty Socks
• Handmade Cloth Toys
• Wooden Toys
• Handmade Artisan Dolls
• Charm Jewelry for Baby or Children
• Leotard, Tutus and Costumes
• Baby Carriers
• Oilcloth mat
• Child, Tween or Teen Purses
• Art or Play Smock
As an example, I love the apron and smocks at BeanSoup online. Beautiful designs and fresh inspiring looks:
Easier said than done? That’s for sure, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t keep yourself open. I still haven’t come up with the million-dollar idea, so I am not asking you to. But, start thinking in terms of needs that could be filled. Is there a product that could be created to solve a problem is needed? Is there a product that you are looking for that you just can’t find? Think outside the box!!
CHECK OUT: Boogie Wipes. Inspired by a child. Made by Moms. Excellent product by the Boogie Mamas!!

Clean out your house while you make money for yourself is a terrific way to go! Shop at yard sales, discount stores and thrift shops and find items at a low price that you can put on eBay or Craigslist and make a profit. Are your friends overwhelmed with clutter in their own homes? Let your friends clean out their houses, and hand-select what will be great sellers on eBay for them and you could make a business out of it. Take 30-50 percent of the profits and they will be so thrilled that you took it off their hands and made them money at the same time! It is great to root around to find things to sell, but if you use your friend’s items as merchandise for your inventory, you won’t have to put money into purchasing the things you are going to sell up-front. HOST A YARD SALE AT THE END OF IT ALL, SELLING ODDS AND ENDS THAT DIDN’T SELL WITH EBAY AND CRAIGSLIST.
Think of what you and your friend’s closets hold in them that could be of value. Who wouldn’t love if you take some of their unused items that are collecting dust in the closet and make money for them.
Host an event. Market it all over your local area. Post on Craigslist. Make signs. Set up racks in your home and have your friends consign with you. Marketing the idea well, picking a location like a nice house to hold the event or a rented space that is ideal with get the women running in with excitement to look at the goods.
You pick your percentage for organizing the event with your consigners- maybe 35-50 percent of the total sales price. Those $200 shoes that sit in a friend’s closet that have never been worn, could be sold for a possible 80 dollars, split two ways.
Designer labels should be current. Any used items should be in excellent shape and not outdated. Make it clothing, shoes and accessories that have hardly or never been worn. You could add jewelry. You could do a household designer sale.
Be creative. Do them once a quarter so that people start watching out for it. Create a blog to promote your new business. Keep good records of sales and pay your consigners right away so that they keep coming back to you with items to consign.
There are so many ideas surrounding ways to make a camp for kids. Think back to the camps and activities that you like to go to when you were a kid. Brainstorm skills, talents or lessons that you could provide for a certain age group of children. If you have thought of an idea from something you have seen in your community or online or a camp that your own child has participated in, look into it. Here are some ideas for camps that work out well, for summer or that the idea all through the year:
o Marital arts
o Dance
o Language
o Voice lessons
o Piano
o Guitar
o Jump rope
o Horse
o Soccer camp
o Sports
o Adventure
o Drama
o Gardening
o Cooking
o Sewing & knitting
o Arts & Crafts
o Pony
o Technology
o Science
o Swim/Water Sports
o Sailing & Kayaking
o Rock Climbing
o Nature
o Yoga
o Circus
o Pottery
o Ceramics
o Manner & etiquette
Consider getting certified as a coach and hold one-on-one consultations with other parents. Seminars and workshops can be set up on particular topics are interest. Target new parent’s groups and Mom’s groups, as well as on-line to find clients.
Hot New Mom Topics:
- How to Wear Your Baby (lessons on carrying your baby using the latest wraps, slings and infant carriers)
- Potty Training Know-How
- Positive Discipline
- Baby Food Classes (teach mom’s groups in their kitchens; instruction on how to prepare, freeze and serve fresh first foods for baby and toddler)
- Baby Sign Language
- Infant Massage
- Gear Essentials to pre-baby parents
- Mom and Me workouts (yoga, pilates, walking with baby stroller groups)

People are willing to spend a great deal of money to teach and encourage their children to work on their musical talents. If you can play an instrument, have voice lesson experience, or have a unique musical talent, this is a great way to create extra income doing something you enjoy. Think about private lessons in your home or theirs. Don’t let the idea of a group lessons get out of the picture. Beginner piano lessons work well. offers four private lessons for $179.00. This is part of their on-line ad: “Give your voice the personal attention it deserves. Private voice lessons will make your voice strong and develop your style. And, you’ll sing the songs you love, whether you like Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop or another cool style! Each lesson is 45 minutes.”
Other ideas for music lessons:
o Voice lessons
o Piano
o Guitar
o Violin
o Flute
o Songwriting Classes
o Vocal Improvisation
Everyone is good at some subject and if you are tutoring children, chances are you can get up to their speed quickly. If you are really knowledgeable about a subject, like taking college entrance tutoring, calculus, advanced sciences and more, the pay rate may increasingly rise. Depending on what you are interested in, offer private tutoring lessons and chose your niche age-group: from preschool to high school aged kids. Parents are thirsty to get their children ahead of the ballgame when it comes to education and in the classroom. I have seen a lot of posts on Internet Mom’s groups, with inquiries of parents who are seeking someone responsible to tutor their children. Spelling, math, reading, languages, and middle school/high school subjects that you are savvy at could be an interest for parent’s to sign up their child with a tutor. Go to the National Tutoring Association ( for help and more information on tutoring online at home.
Barb Resnick of Seattle works at Little Friends Preschool every morning and then offers after school care at her home in the afternoons. She provides transportation back to her, allowing parents to have extended hours on school days. She also has a tutoring program, which consists of one hour of specific academic tutoring tailored to your child’s needs and one hour of play. This two-hour session costs 50- and parents can have more time off then a usual half-hour session, while their children learn and play.
Art studios are a great place for kids to gather their creative juices. If you have the art talent or are open to hiring skilled instructors, you could come up with a great studio plan. Have birthday parties, camps, classes and set up simple themes to keep kid’s enthused and coming back. Make your own pottery studios are always a hit, but thinking about a place to land art projects with instruction beyond what parents can provide is priceless for parents. Check out in Chicago, craft and art workshop that focuses on art with a learning towards using recycled, upcycled and products that would normally just go into the trash heap.
If you like to cook, I bet your kids do too. Take this passion and skill to another level by opening a cooking school/academy and kids will have a blast in the kitchen. Teach classes to children, making it a safe environment that encourages discovery and creativity. You could implement new themes every day, week or month, have birthday parties, summer cooking camps and special events. No child is going to outgrow the kitchen, so you can take these classes and let the classes grow with them. interactive learning experience that gives children the opportunity to develop a life-long love for the culinary arts. The best part is that they can eat as they cook and take some home for others to try!
Kitchen Kapers, in Morrestown, New Jersey, offers a summer cooking camp ranging from kids 6 to 11 or teens 12 to 16. They have guest chefs and kids will learn step-by-step recipes during each weeklong course. Located in Nyack, New York, Chefs 2 Be offers a school for all ages: the younger chefs learn to make easier recipes, like salads and desserts, while the older students dive into the main courses and appetizers.
If you are savvy with design and creation, take a look around at boutique shops, in magazines, on children and come up with a creation that inspires you. You could take a variety of gorgeous fabrics and if you can sew, create an original piece of work for baby and child. Look around at babies and children and don’t forget to spy what your own are drawn own and getting inspired to make something that you can sell. CHECK OUT the amazing online marketplace with rotating monthy featured artisans and crafters displaying their goods - it’s just like going to an upscale market except you don’t have to leave your house: Also, selling online has never been easier with low fees, easy to upload and manage your page and you don’t have to worrry about creating a personal web site.
Ideas of products to design:
• Burp cloths
• Baby blankets
• Baby t-shirts
• Kid Tee-shirts
• Inspired Clothing
• Baby’s Booties, Slippers or Shoes
• Novelty Socks
• Handmade Cloth Toys
• Wooden Toys
• Handmade Artisan Dolls
• Charm Jewelry for Baby or Children
• Leotard, Tutus and Costumes
• Baby Carriers
• Oilcloth mat
• Child, Tween or Teen Purses
• Art or Play Smock
As an example, I love the apron and smocks at BeanSoup online. Beautiful designs and fresh inspiring looks:
Easier said than done? That’s for sure, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t keep yourself open. I still haven’t come up with the million-dollar idea, so I am not asking you to. But, start thinking in terms of needs that could be filled. Is there a product that could be created to solve a problem is needed? Is there a product that you are looking for that you just can’t find? Think outside the box!!
CHECK OUT: Boogie Wipes. Inspired by a child. Made by Moms. Excellent product by the Boogie Mamas!!

Clean out your house while you make money for yourself is a terrific way to go! Shop at yard sales, discount stores and thrift shops and find items at a low price that you can put on eBay or Craigslist and make a profit. Are your friends overwhelmed with clutter in their own homes? Let your friends clean out their houses, and hand-select what will be great sellers on eBay for them and you could make a business out of it. Take 30-50 percent of the profits and they will be so thrilled that you took it off their hands and made them money at the same time! It is great to root around to find things to sell, but if you use your friend’s items as merchandise for your inventory, you won’t have to put money into purchasing the things you are going to sell up-front. HOST A YARD SALE AT THE END OF IT ALL, SELLING ODDS AND ENDS THAT DIDN’T SELL WITH EBAY AND CRAIGSLIST.
Think of what you and your friend’s closets hold in them that could be of value. Who wouldn’t love if you take some of their unused items that are collecting dust in the closet and make money for them.
Host an event. Market it all over your local area. Post on Craigslist. Make signs. Set up racks in your home and have your friends consign with you. Marketing the idea well, picking a location like a nice house to hold the event or a rented space that is ideal with get the women running in with excitement to look at the goods.
You pick your percentage for organizing the event with your consigners- maybe 35-50 percent of the total sales price. Those $200 shoes that sit in a friend’s closet that have never been worn, could be sold for a possible 80 dollars, split two ways.
Designer labels should be current. Any used items should be in excellent shape and not outdated. Make it clothing, shoes and accessories that have hardly or never been worn. You could add jewelry. You could do a household designer sale.
Be creative. Do them once a quarter so that people start watching out for it. Create a blog to promote your new business. Keep good records of sales and pay your consigners right away so that they keep coming back to you with items to consign.
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