Thursday, July 7, 2011

Writing Debt Collection Letters

Debt collection is something that nobody enjoys but that is nevertheless an important fact of business. If you are owed money that that will mean that you invested in an individual or a business in the hope that you would be able to make more back. Just like them you are a business trying to make ends meet and it is important that you get the profits you deserve from your various investments and expenditures in order to ensure that you can continue to do business.

Thus if you are not getting your repayments then this undermines your original purpose for lending the money and it means that they are trying to protect their affairs at the expense of your own. This of course means that you are within your rights to try and collect that money using debt collection letters and other methods if necessary. Here we will look at how to go about writing debt collection letters and what some of the best tips are for making sure that they are fair and effective.

Firstly you need to make sure that you remain professional and business-like at all times. This is a professional letter of course and that means that you should act in a professional capacity. Try to maintain standardized formatting and be at all times courteous and polite. You should always keep a copy of any communications between you and the party that owes you money as you will be able to use this subsequently as evidence that you wrote your letters when you claim to have and that you gave the correct warning and instruction.

There are many reasons that it is important to be fair and polite in your debt collection letters. The first reason is that you will otherwise damage the credibility of your own stance. Currently you have the law on your side and there are many facilities in place to help ensure that you get the money you are owed. However if you resort to unpleasantness then this will no longer be the case and you will struggle to get support in your plight. At the same time if you come across as heavy handed then you will provoke an unhelpful reaction in the recipient - your aim to to try and get them to cooperate and that means that you should at all times come across as sympathetic and professional. Finally there are rules and regulations that forbid debt collectors from using aggressive or threatening means to collect money, and doing so could put you at odds with the law.

There are other laws regarding debt collection. For instance it is not permitted for collectors to try and get money from other parties - they may only get into contact with other parties as a means to locate and contact the debtor. Likewise they are required to send written letters informing the debtor of their situation, and they are not to use abusive or impolite language nor to misrepresent the debtor or publicize the debt.

Coming across as professional and legally legitimate will help you to create debt collection letters that get noticed and that achieve the desired ends. There are many templates online which can help you to begin your letter but remember to alter this to suit your specific situation.

I found a free debt collection letter that I have used a few times to scare people into action. It is offered by this debt collection Melbourne based business.


  1. Indeed, nobody enjoys collecting debts from anybody. Many times, the person collecting the money may look coervice when doing so. To avoid embarrasment, hiring debt collectors will do the job. They will be collecting the debt in behalf of the creditor.
