Debt collection is something that nobody enjoys but that is nevertheless an important fact of business. If you are owed money that that will mean that you invested in an individual or a business in the hope that you would be able to make more back. Just like them you are a business trying to make ends meet and it is important that you get the profits you deserve from your various investments and expenditures in order to ensure that you can continue to do business.
Thus if you are not getting your repayments then this undermines your original purpose for lending the money and it means that they are trying to protect their affairs at the expense of your own. This of course means that you are within your rights to try and collect that money using debt collection letters and other methods if necessary. Here we will look at how to go about writing debt collection letters and what some of the best tips are for making sure that they are fair and effective.
Firstly you need to make sure that you remain professional and business-like at all times. This is a professional letter of course and that means that you should act in a professional capacity. Try to maintain standardized formatting and be at all times courteous and polite. You should always keep a copy of any communications between you and the party that owes you money as you will be able to use this subsequently as evidence that you wrote your letters when you claim to have and that you gave the correct warning and instruction.
There are many reasons that it is important to be fair and polite in your debt collection letters. The first reason is that you will otherwise damage the credibility of your own stance. Currently you have the law on your side and there are many facilities in place to help ensure that you get the money you are owed. However if you resort to unpleasantness then this will no longer be the case and you will struggle to get support in your plight. At the same time if you come across as heavy handed then you will provoke an unhelpful reaction in the recipient - your aim to to try and get them to cooperate and that means that you should at all times come across as sympathetic and professional. Finally there are rules and regulations that forbid debt collectors from using aggressive or threatening means to collect money, and doing so could put you at odds with the law.
There are other laws regarding debt collection. For instance it is not permitted for collectors to try and get money from other parties - they may only get into contact with other parties as a means to locate and contact the debtor. Likewise they are required to send written letters informing the debtor of their situation, and they are not to use abusive or impolite language nor to misrepresent the debtor or publicize the debt.
Coming across as professional and legally legitimate will help you to create debt collection letters that get noticed and that achieve the desired ends. There are many templates online which can help you to begin your letter but remember to alter this to suit your specific situation.
I found a free debt collection letter that I have used a few times to scare people into action. It is offered by this debt collection Melbourne based business.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
New York City Rent Stabilization Laws
" Being both a real estate attorney and a real estate broker in New York City I have had the privilege of working in a vibrant field in one of the best real estate market in the world. Having been born and raised in New York I sometimes forget just how confusing New York City's rental rules and regulations can be to an outsider, and even to those New Yorkers renting for the first time.
New York, and specifically Manhattan, is and will always be a renter's city. Because of Manhattan's geography and population it is extremely expensive to buy and own property, which has given rise to a rental market and vocal rental advocacy groups. Renters in New York can expect politicians and community organizations to speak on their behalf. Not to be outdone, Landlords in the City have also banded together and have formed powerful lobbying groups. Every year these groups meet to debate and decide annual rental increases for apartments and thus help decide the financial fate of millions.
The current New York system of rent control came about in 1943 under the watch of the federal government and switched over to state control in 1950. There are different types of rent control classifications, with each investing certain rights to the tenant.
The term Rent Control specifically refers to the situation where a tenant has lived in the same apartment since July 1, 1971. Typically this only applies to building built before the mid 1940's and it is not uncommon to find tenants who have lived in the same apartment for decades. When an apartment is rent controlled, the landlord is extremely limited in not only what they can charge for rent but also in how much they can increase the rent. It is not uncommon to find rent control tenants paying hundreds of dollars for an apartment that, in an open market, could be worth thousands.
Another common type of rental situation is Rent Stabilization, which occurs when the legal rent of an apartment is below $2,000.00 per month. Once the legal rent of an apartment rises above $2,000.00, and is vacated, the apartment is considered decontrolled. The NYC Rent Guidelines Board meets every year to set the legal annual rent increase for rent stabilized apartments.
Though Landlords decry the government oversight, Tenants, who number, and vote, in the millions, continue to hold sway with New York City and state politicians. There is currently an attempt by the pro-tenant lobby to return thousands of decontrolled apartments back to rent stabilized status and to limit the rate of rent increases. Obviously Landlords disagree and have their own resources to combat such a move. One thing is certain, Rent Control and Rent Stabilization will be a part of New York City real estate for the foreseeable future.
Morales S is a managing partner at Morales Soukeras PLLC. Morales Soukeras PLLCis a New York-based law firm whose primary areas of practice are real estate transactions, landlord tenant law, business law, general litigation, entertainment law, and immigration law. Our attorneys are licensed to practice in New York. Our goal is to provide our clients with knowledgeable and comprehensive representation in a professional, courteous and caring manner.
New York, and specifically Manhattan, is and will always be a renter's city. Because of Manhattan's geography and population it is extremely expensive to buy and own property, which has given rise to a rental market and vocal rental advocacy groups. Renters in New York can expect politicians and community organizations to speak on their behalf. Not to be outdone, Landlords in the City have also banded together and have formed powerful lobbying groups. Every year these groups meet to debate and decide annual rental increases for apartments and thus help decide the financial fate of millions.
The current New York system of rent control came about in 1943 under the watch of the federal government and switched over to state control in 1950. There are different types of rent control classifications, with each investing certain rights to the tenant.
The term Rent Control specifically refers to the situation where a tenant has lived in the same apartment since July 1, 1971. Typically this only applies to building built before the mid 1940's and it is not uncommon to find tenants who have lived in the same apartment for decades. When an apartment is rent controlled, the landlord is extremely limited in not only what they can charge for rent but also in how much they can increase the rent. It is not uncommon to find rent control tenants paying hundreds of dollars for an apartment that, in an open market, could be worth thousands.
Another common type of rental situation is Rent Stabilization, which occurs when the legal rent of an apartment is below $2,000.00 per month. Once the legal rent of an apartment rises above $2,000.00, and is vacated, the apartment is considered decontrolled. The NYC Rent Guidelines Board meets every year to set the legal annual rent increase for rent stabilized apartments.
Though Landlords decry the government oversight, Tenants, who number, and vote, in the millions, continue to hold sway with New York City and state politicians. There is currently an attempt by the pro-tenant lobby to return thousands of decontrolled apartments back to rent stabilized status and to limit the rate of rent increases. Obviously Landlords disagree and have their own resources to combat such a move. One thing is certain, Rent Control and Rent Stabilization will be a part of New York City real estate for the foreseeable future.
Morales S is a managing partner at Morales Soukeras PLLC. Morales Soukeras PLLCis a New York-based law firm whose primary areas of practice are real estate transactions, landlord tenant law, business law, general litigation, entertainment law, and immigration law. Our attorneys are licensed to practice in New York. Our goal is to provide our clients with knowledgeable and comprehensive representation in a professional, courteous and caring manner.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Citizenship by Investment Program - St Kitts and Nevis
St. Kitts and Nevis is one of the few places in the world to offer a government run Citizenship by Investment Program. This program ultimately grants citizenship to those who have made a significant investment in the country, namely in real estate. The Citizenship and Passport Program in St. Kitts and Nevis was established in 1984.
How does Citizenship by Investment Work?
In St. Kitts and Nevis, a significant financial investment must be made in real estate. Once this and other requirements are met, the government will grant the investor a Government Certificate of Registration as a Citizen as well as a passport. Once this process is completed, all paperwork is exactly as that of all other citizens. Investors can then choose to acquire a driver's license if they would like to drive.
The Requirements
There is first a registration fee of $35,000 for the applicant. Additional family (dependants) must be registered as well for an additional fee of $15,000 per person. A minimal real estate investment of $250,000 is required in order to gain the status of citizen. You are not required to pay the fees until your application for citizenship has been approved by the government. The real estate purchase is required to be completed once you have obtained the appropriate documents.
During the application process, you will be asked for identification. This will include a birth certificate for the applicant, and birth certificates and/or marriage certificates for the spouse and children (or in some cases grandchildren). Applicants over the age of 12 must complete an HIV exam and everyone should submit 2 passport sized photos of themselves.
Why Invest in St. Kitts and Nevis?
The landscape alone is gorgeous enough to make anyone want to stay there for as long as possible. Aside from that, the relaxing atmosphere, rich culture, and friendly natives only make it more tempting. Economically, if you wanted to live there only part time, it is a great investment.
There are real estate management companies ready and able to maintain your property in addition to leasing or renting your space when you are not using it. You can enjoy the property for yourself at your own leisure, and earn a return on your investment while you live elsewhere. There aren't any restrictions if you decide to eventually sell your property, and chances are that you will find an eager buyer quickly, just because of the neighborhood and the eye-catching views.
With the Citizenship by Investment program, you will also be able to enjoy Visa free international access to the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and more than 65 other countries around the world. There is also no personal income tax, so that is a freedom in and of it.
Nevis Real Estate is certainly a worthy investment that has many benefits. Citizenship is a great option, and you do not have to denounce your existing citizenship in order to obtain it there. It is a beautiful island and a good opportunity.
How does Citizenship by Investment Work?
In St. Kitts and Nevis, a significant financial investment must be made in real estate. Once this and other requirements are met, the government will grant the investor a Government Certificate of Registration as a Citizen as well as a passport. Once this process is completed, all paperwork is exactly as that of all other citizens. Investors can then choose to acquire a driver's license if they would like to drive.
The Requirements
There is first a registration fee of $35,000 for the applicant. Additional family (dependants) must be registered as well for an additional fee of $15,000 per person. A minimal real estate investment of $250,000 is required in order to gain the status of citizen. You are not required to pay the fees until your application for citizenship has been approved by the government. The real estate purchase is required to be completed once you have obtained the appropriate documents.
During the application process, you will be asked for identification. This will include a birth certificate for the applicant, and birth certificates and/or marriage certificates for the spouse and children (or in some cases grandchildren). Applicants over the age of 12 must complete an HIV exam and everyone should submit 2 passport sized photos of themselves.
Why Invest in St. Kitts and Nevis?
The landscape alone is gorgeous enough to make anyone want to stay there for as long as possible. Aside from that, the relaxing atmosphere, rich culture, and friendly natives only make it more tempting. Economically, if you wanted to live there only part time, it is a great investment.
There are real estate management companies ready and able to maintain your property in addition to leasing or renting your space when you are not using it. You can enjoy the property for yourself at your own leisure, and earn a return on your investment while you live elsewhere. There aren't any restrictions if you decide to eventually sell your property, and chances are that you will find an eager buyer quickly, just because of the neighborhood and the eye-catching views.
With the Citizenship by Investment program, you will also be able to enjoy Visa free international access to the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and more than 65 other countries around the world. There is also no personal income tax, so that is a freedom in and of it.
Nevis Real Estate is certainly a worthy investment that has many benefits. Citizenship is a great option, and you do not have to denounce your existing citizenship in order to obtain it there. It is a beautiful island and a good opportunity.
Investing Is Not Betting
All investing is a bet on the future. The difference is how you arrive at your bet. A review of the decision making methods may help you decide which works best for you.
Options for making your investment decisions include:
• Hunches - sometimes our instincts can be rewarding, but just as often they can cost us money because a hunch is based on what we think we know and not on what is possible to know with research or analysis. Do I sound like I don't recommend this method? You bet I don't.
• Tips - a suggestion from a friend, co-worker, cousin or uncle can come from something they heard (another tip), something on TV, the internet or just about anywhere. The question again, is the tip validated with research or analysis?
• The Press - TV shows, internet articles & forums, magazines and newspapers along with newsletters with 'buy' suggestions. Usually these are backed by some type of research so the question then becomes, "What is the batting average of the source, the person making the recommendation?" Without knowing the batting average these recommendations may not have any more value than an ordinary tip.
• Fundamental Research and Analysis - you can do it yourself or read someone else's reports about the management of a stock or fund, the industry and product trends and viability along with their financial status. Decision making based on fundamentals is primarily for long term investing because a thorough analysis can take days, weeks and even months.
• Chart Analysis - Reading charts can provide you with indications or indicators of future performance based on past performance of a ticker symbol. There are more chart types than it is possible to list in a short article. There are also free internet chart services plus chart programs that cost. Some software programs offer just the most popular or most relevant charts so the choice because yours and this choice relates to time: time to learn a chart program can be many months; and time to review charts on a regular basis can involve minutes or a full day depending upon how they are used.
• Technical Analysis - evaluating the data of a particular ticker symbol or group of symbols can produce either or both charts, spreadsheet results or reports based on the analysis. Chart analysis is a type of technical analysis but a true technical analysis program can go further by allowing you to evaluate the symbol or group data in additional ways and provide reports "in plain English" that make decision making easier. Depending upon your objectives and time frame these software programs can involve as little as 30 minutes a week and provide reliable investing recommendations.
In other words, investing need not be a bet. You have choices based on your preference for doing things and how much time you want to spend at it to make sound investment decisions.
Personally I like to use technical analysis that gives me an easy to read report coupled with key charts that can confirm recommendations. Key charts like moving average and full stochastic can be especially helpful when the markets are volatile and jumping up and down from day to day or week to week.
Author Raymond Dominick is the designer of Dynamic Investor Pro investment software for stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. He has been investing in the markets since his teenage years. An experienced business manager and journalist, he has been a registered investment advisor representative, also a professional photographer who loves escaping to the wonders of Glacier National Park in Montana.Options for making your investment decisions include:
• Hunches - sometimes our instincts can be rewarding, but just as often they can cost us money because a hunch is based on what we think we know and not on what is possible to know with research or analysis. Do I sound like I don't recommend this method? You bet I don't.
• Tips - a suggestion from a friend, co-worker, cousin or uncle can come from something they heard (another tip), something on TV, the internet or just about anywhere. The question again, is the tip validated with research or analysis?
• The Press - TV shows, internet articles & forums, magazines and newspapers along with newsletters with 'buy' suggestions. Usually these are backed by some type of research so the question then becomes, "What is the batting average of the source, the person making the recommendation?" Without knowing the batting average these recommendations may not have any more value than an ordinary tip.
• Fundamental Research and Analysis - you can do it yourself or read someone else's reports about the management of a stock or fund, the industry and product trends and viability along with their financial status. Decision making based on fundamentals is primarily for long term investing because a thorough analysis can take days, weeks and even months.
• Chart Analysis - Reading charts can provide you with indications or indicators of future performance based on past performance of a ticker symbol. There are more chart types than it is possible to list in a short article. There are also free internet chart services plus chart programs that cost. Some software programs offer just the most popular or most relevant charts so the choice because yours and this choice relates to time: time to learn a chart program can be many months; and time to review charts on a regular basis can involve minutes or a full day depending upon how they are used.
• Technical Analysis - evaluating the data of a particular ticker symbol or group of symbols can produce either or both charts, spreadsheet results or reports based on the analysis. Chart analysis is a type of technical analysis but a true technical analysis program can go further by allowing you to evaluate the symbol or group data in additional ways and provide reports "in plain English" that make decision making easier. Depending upon your objectives and time frame these software programs can involve as little as 30 minutes a week and provide reliable investing recommendations.
In other words, investing need not be a bet. You have choices based on your preference for doing things and how much time you want to spend at it to make sound investment decisions.
Personally I like to use technical analysis that gives me an easy to read report coupled with key charts that can confirm recommendations. Key charts like moving average and full stochastic can be especially helpful when the markets are volatile and jumping up and down from day to day or week to week.
Best Investment - How to Find the Best Investment
Do you know the best investment? You'll know after you read this article. It's easy. The best investment is the one whose profits you keep. If your profits vanish because you -
Exit Strategy
Never make an investment without knowing when and how you'll get out. That's called an Exit Strategy.
Never risk more than 3% of your portfolio in any one position. And that's on the high side.
Your Exit Strategy affects your Position Size.
- Hold until your profit turns into a loss.
- Hold until a small loss turns into a big loss, and then a huge loss.
- Hold so long your annual return turns small even when you do profit.
Exit Strategy
Never make an investment without knowing when and how you'll get out. That's called an Exit Strategy.
- You should have an Exit Strategy before you invest in anything.
- You should be able to write it down. Nothing fuzzy allowed.
- Know what will trigger your sell order.
- Good Exit Strategies let you keep your profits and cut your losses. That's your best investment.
- Wall Street Wisdom - "Cut your losses, but let your winners ride."
- A few big wins and many small losses can equal a win overall.
Never risk more than 3% of your portfolio in any one position. And that's on the high side.
- Why so small? Look at what it takes to recover from a loss -
- Lose 50% of your portfolio, and you've got to make 100% on what's left to recover your loss. Is 100% profit easy?
- Lose 25% of your portfolio, and you've got to make 33.3% on what's left to recover your loss. Is 33.3% profit easy?
- Lose even 10% of your portfolio, and you've got to make 11.1% on what's left to recover your loss.
- Small losses leave you with enough capital to keep investing.
Your Exit Strategy affects your Position Size.
- If your Exit Strategy were to sell after a 25% loss, you could put up to $12,000 of a $100,000 portfolio into one investment, because -
- $12,000 X 25% = $3,000 = 3% of $100,000
- If your Exit Strategy were to sell after a 10% loss, you could put up to $30,000 of a $100,000 portfolio into one investment, because -
- $30,000 X 10% = $3,000 = 3% of $100,000
- You risk only what your Exit Strategy will let you lose, not your total investment.
- Mechanical Investment
- Emotion is the investor's enemy. People hold too long because of greed and fear.
- Greed for even bigger gains. Fear of realizing a loss.
- Follow your Exit Strategy like a machine. Automatically. No matter what your feelings scream.
- Place exit orders with your broker in advance.
- Acting when the time is right makes your best investment.
- So what do Exit Strategies look like? Stop Orders are the best known.
- Tell your broker to sell if the price falls to some specific point.
- Some people use 8% below the purchase price. Others use 10%, 15%, or 25%.
- Stop orders don't always do their job.
- The price can fall way below your stop point before your order gets filled.
- Market makers sometimes sell to force a stock price down.
- They want to trigger other people's stop orders, so they can buy their stock cheap.
- Decide in advance on a good return -
- Two or three times the amount you put at risk.
- If you use technical analysis (if not, don't worry about it),
- sell near strong resistance, or
- when the stock looks over-bought, or
- when the trend changes, etc.
- You might not get out at all, if the price falls below your limit.
- If you bought a stock for $50, and used a 10% trailing stop -
- You'd sell if the price fell to $45.
- But if the price rose to $60, your stop price would rise to $54. ($60 - 10%)
- The stop price never falls after it rises.
- Trailing Stop Orders are good ways to hold on to profits, but
- Trailing Stop Orders may push you out of stocks sooner than you want.
- Buying a put lets you sell your stock for a safe price of your choice.
- The cost of a put reduces your profit, but -
- You're safe, no matter what happens to the stock. That's your best investment.
How Inflation Affects Investments
For the past few years, the US government has increased its deficit spending by more than a trillion dollars a year. This amount of spending is unprecedented. For the current year, our elected officials are talking about a budget which includes approximately 1 ½ trillion in deficit spending. Pumping dollars into the economy at this level is similar to adding a gallon of water to a can of orange juice. As more and more dollars are poured into the economy, the dollar's value is diluted. This dilution increases inflationary pressures which in turn have an impact on your investments.
In an inflationary environment, people who live on a fixed income are typically hurt the worst. As prices increase, they are not able to buy as much as they did before. Creditors with contracts which include fixed interest rates are also negatively impacted. Suppose you were a creditor and you made a loan. The loan has a fixed annual interest rate of eight percent. Inflation was five percent when you made the loan. This means your real rate of return was three percent. If inflation increases to 10 percent next year, your real rate of return would be negative two percent. On the other hand, if you're not the creditor but the borrower, inflation allows you to pay your fixed debt payments with cheaper dollars. You'll be able to pay off your debt faster with diluted dollars.
Investing in stocks may not be as bad as you might think. If a company is run by competent managers who increase prices as costs increase, the company's revenues and earnings should increase as inflation increases. Be sure to invest in stocks that have returns higher than the inflation rate. You can also purchase inflation protected investments like inflation indexed bonds and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). These investments are impervious to inflation risk because their rates move with inflation. An investment portfolio with fixed income securities that are not protected against inflation will see a deterioration of value. If your portfolio has fixed income securities that aren't inflation protected and you expect higher inflation in the future, I recommend moving your money out of these fixed income securities.
In a high inflationary environment, investors look more for investments with a short-term maturity horizon. Investors tend to shy away from investments with long-term maturities due to the increased uncertainty. Because inflation makes it difficult to predict future expectations, investors are unwilling to enter into long-term contracts. Over time this unwillingness has a negative affect on economic growth.
Investors also utilize "stores of value" to hedge against inflation risk. Throughout history precious metals have been used as stores of value. People purchased metals like gold and silver. They have also used other stores of value like real estate, works of art, precious stones, and livestock. Eventhough the value of these commodities change over time, they have shown to retain some value in almost any situation.
In an inflationary environment, people who live on a fixed income are typically hurt the worst. As prices increase, they are not able to buy as much as they did before. Creditors with contracts which include fixed interest rates are also negatively impacted. Suppose you were a creditor and you made a loan. The loan has a fixed annual interest rate of eight percent. Inflation was five percent when you made the loan. This means your real rate of return was three percent. If inflation increases to 10 percent next year, your real rate of return would be negative two percent. On the other hand, if you're not the creditor but the borrower, inflation allows you to pay your fixed debt payments with cheaper dollars. You'll be able to pay off your debt faster with diluted dollars.
Investing in stocks may not be as bad as you might think. If a company is run by competent managers who increase prices as costs increase, the company's revenues and earnings should increase as inflation increases. Be sure to invest in stocks that have returns higher than the inflation rate. You can also purchase inflation protected investments like inflation indexed bonds and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). These investments are impervious to inflation risk because their rates move with inflation. An investment portfolio with fixed income securities that are not protected against inflation will see a deterioration of value. If your portfolio has fixed income securities that aren't inflation protected and you expect higher inflation in the future, I recommend moving your money out of these fixed income securities.
In a high inflationary environment, investors look more for investments with a short-term maturity horizon. Investors tend to shy away from investments with long-term maturities due to the increased uncertainty. Because inflation makes it difficult to predict future expectations, investors are unwilling to enter into long-term contracts. Over time this unwillingness has a negative affect on economic growth.
Investors also utilize "stores of value" to hedge against inflation risk. Throughout history precious metals have been used as stores of value. People purchased metals like gold and silver. They have also used other stores of value like real estate, works of art, precious stones, and livestock. Eventhough the value of these commodities change over time, they have shown to retain some value in almost any situation.
Author: Joseph is a certified and accredited business appraiser with Hyde Valuations, Inc. He has performed appraisals and valuation services. He also writes and speaks on business and valuation topics. For more information please visit:
10000 Dinar - The Latest Investment Vehicle
Iraqi dinar is creating a new sensation in the business world. With a promising future of Iraqi economy being touted by the economists and catching attention of the investors, the demand for Iraqi currency is on steep rise. Investing in 10000 dinar is believed to bring an outstanding return as soon as the ravaged economy recuperates and registers an impressive growth rate.
The potential investors must keep an unblinking watch on the current exchange rate to estimate the return on their investment. The official currency of Iraq came into the market only after great gulf conflict. Now, how can buying currency of a war ravaged country benefit you? 10000 dinar is at all time low in value but things will swing to a favorable change once the devastated economy gradually revives. So, your present investment will get translated into excessive profit in future.
Iraq has the second largest crude oil reserve in the world. The top-most position is occupied by Saudi Arabia. Natural resource of Iraq is a lure to the capitalist economies and international oil companies. Some foreign companies have already set up their establishments on the Iraqi shore. With advanced technology implemented by these companies, the oil reserve has gone up by a remarkable margin. Expectantly, everybody will want to capitalize this situation. Therefore, there is a greater possibility that Iraq will come out of the perilous and parlous situation in near future. Once the government takes initiative to implement the measures for development, 10000 dinar will gradually rise in value. Now you have understood the importance of investing into Iraqi currency dealing.
10000 dinar possesses the most advanced anti-counterfeit features. Watermarks, security thread, optical variable ink, metallic ink etc. are the latest techniques to frustrate the effort of the counterfeiters. All these modern techniques are included in the newly introduced 10000 dinar. Exchange rate of currency is not a static figure but a dynamic one. In accordance with a recent report regarding the Iraqi budget for the financial year 2011, the exchange rate is expected to slide up. This is definitely good news for the investors. Every investment is attached with some risks. Risk aversion is not possible though you can keep it at minimum level. This can be ensured if you are guided by an expert and experienced Iraqi dinar dealer.
Dinar scams are on rise due to possibility of surging profit from such investment. So, you must do extensive research on the dealer before hiring his/her service. Here are some simple tips just for you to avert the scam problems during online purchase:
Invest into the new Iraqi currency instead of old one. The 10000 dinar includes some newest features regarding security. If you are dealing with an honest dealer, the person will take the responsibility to make you understand each and every feature.
The dealer's name must be registered with USA Treasury Department and the Better Business Bureau. Only the registered dealers are identified as the certified ones. They are the trusted persons to seek advice while purchasing 10000 dinar.
For a considerable period of time, the country has been a safe heaven for the smugglers, robberies, drug peddlers and even terrorists. So, make sure not to invest in illegally transported Iraqi dinar because the smuggled 10000 dinar is easily available in the international market.
Do not rely on the dealers who try to convince you that your investment will make a tidy fortune in the shortest time. Daydreaming must not be your cup of tea while deciding on the 10000 dinar investment. You will surely earn profit but it will take years instead of a very short span of time.
The potential investors must keep an unblinking watch on the current exchange rate to estimate the return on their investment. The official currency of Iraq came into the market only after great gulf conflict. Now, how can buying currency of a war ravaged country benefit you? 10000 dinar is at all time low in value but things will swing to a favorable change once the devastated economy gradually revives. So, your present investment will get translated into excessive profit in future.
Iraq has the second largest crude oil reserve in the world. The top-most position is occupied by Saudi Arabia. Natural resource of Iraq is a lure to the capitalist economies and international oil companies. Some foreign companies have already set up their establishments on the Iraqi shore. With advanced technology implemented by these companies, the oil reserve has gone up by a remarkable margin. Expectantly, everybody will want to capitalize this situation. Therefore, there is a greater possibility that Iraq will come out of the perilous and parlous situation in near future. Once the government takes initiative to implement the measures for development, 10000 dinar will gradually rise in value. Now you have understood the importance of investing into Iraqi currency dealing.
10000 dinar possesses the most advanced anti-counterfeit features. Watermarks, security thread, optical variable ink, metallic ink etc. are the latest techniques to frustrate the effort of the counterfeiters. All these modern techniques are included in the newly introduced 10000 dinar. Exchange rate of currency is not a static figure but a dynamic one. In accordance with a recent report regarding the Iraqi budget for the financial year 2011, the exchange rate is expected to slide up. This is definitely good news for the investors. Every investment is attached with some risks. Risk aversion is not possible though you can keep it at minimum level. This can be ensured if you are guided by an expert and experienced Iraqi dinar dealer.
Dinar scams are on rise due to possibility of surging profit from such investment. So, you must do extensive research on the dealer before hiring his/her service. Here are some simple tips just for you to avert the scam problems during online purchase:
Invest into the new Iraqi currency instead of old one. The 10000 dinar includes some newest features regarding security. If you are dealing with an honest dealer, the person will take the responsibility to make you understand each and every feature.
The dealer's name must be registered with USA Treasury Department and the Better Business Bureau. Only the registered dealers are identified as the certified ones. They are the trusted persons to seek advice while purchasing 10000 dinar.
For a considerable period of time, the country has been a safe heaven for the smugglers, robberies, drug peddlers and even terrorists. So, make sure not to invest in illegally transported Iraqi dinar because the smuggled 10000 dinar is easily available in the international market.
Do not rely on the dealers who try to convince you that your investment will make a tidy fortune in the shortest time. Daydreaming must not be your cup of tea while deciding on the 10000 dinar investment. You will surely earn profit but it will take years instead of a very short span of time.
How to Plan and Invest $10,000 Profitably in 2011 and Beyond
The issue of how to invest, where to invest, when to invest and how much to invest has been bordering many investors including analysts for ages. Having $10,000 or more to invest in 2011 and beyond profitably is highly achievable and simple as well. In order to make this a reality taking into consideration the economic and political environment across the globe, planning is key.
The first approach for success is to know where to invest. To make this appropriate, diversification should be the pillar. This is because it is not advisable to put all your $10,000 and more into only one stream of investment. Spreading your $10,000 or more among different assets such as money market instruments, bonds, stocks, and real estate is ideal. It is highly impossible for all of these assets to lose excessive value simultaneously.
Money market instruments such as fixed deposits and treasury bills are less risky, hence lower returns comparatively. They provide the investor with ready access. Bonds have higher interest rate but highly affected by interest rate fluctuations. When interest rate goes up, bond prices incidentally falls. It is there reasonable to invest in medium term bonds to lower the effects of interest rate movements in the near future. Equity funds are very volatile but can give an investor who has $10,000 or more to invest an outstanding return when companies are carefully selected. Here, companies with international presence are recommended so as to reduce systematic risk. A well diversified portfolio that includes real estate equities is also encouraged.
The second approach is to know how much or how to invest your $10,000 or more profitably. This decision is very much dependent on the risk tolerance level of the investors. Some investors are risk loving, neutral and averse. So your attitude towards risk should be the motivating factor to help you in making the right decision. If you consider yourself a risk loving or aggressive investor then invest about 60% of your funds in the stock funds including other volatile funds and 40% in the money market and bond funds. However, if you are risk averse, then invest 40% in more risky and volatile funds and 60% in the less risky or less volatile funds.
In 2011 and beyond, knowing where to invest and how to invest a $10,000 or more especially in a well diversified portfolio is the gate way to financial freedom. The years ahead looks brighter amidst the socio-economic challenges but can only be rewarding for investors and analysts who can plan, and adapt to changes and approaches as described above.
The first approach for success is to know where to invest. To make this appropriate, diversification should be the pillar. This is because it is not advisable to put all your $10,000 and more into only one stream of investment. Spreading your $10,000 or more among different assets such as money market instruments, bonds, stocks, and real estate is ideal. It is highly impossible for all of these assets to lose excessive value simultaneously.
Money market instruments such as fixed deposits and treasury bills are less risky, hence lower returns comparatively. They provide the investor with ready access. Bonds have higher interest rate but highly affected by interest rate fluctuations. When interest rate goes up, bond prices incidentally falls. It is there reasonable to invest in medium term bonds to lower the effects of interest rate movements in the near future. Equity funds are very volatile but can give an investor who has $10,000 or more to invest an outstanding return when companies are carefully selected. Here, companies with international presence are recommended so as to reduce systematic risk. A well diversified portfolio that includes real estate equities is also encouraged.
The second approach is to know how much or how to invest your $10,000 or more profitably. This decision is very much dependent on the risk tolerance level of the investors. Some investors are risk loving, neutral and averse. So your attitude towards risk should be the motivating factor to help you in making the right decision. If you consider yourself a risk loving or aggressive investor then invest about 60% of your funds in the stock funds including other volatile funds and 40% in the money market and bond funds. However, if you are risk averse, then invest 40% in more risky and volatile funds and 60% in the less risky or less volatile funds.
In 2011 and beyond, knowing where to invest and how to invest a $10,000 or more especially in a well diversified portfolio is the gate way to financial freedom. The years ahead looks brighter amidst the socio-economic challenges but can only be rewarding for investors and analysts who can plan, and adapt to changes and approaches as described above.
A well strategized portfolio will definitely lead an investor to making a lot of money. Having multiple sources of income is also key to sustainable cash inflows. Experienced merchants have come out with free downloadable e-books - step by step approach- to help you make your dream of becoming a millionaire a quick one. Check here for your free copy
The author Isaac Akohene-Asiedu is a lecturer in Finance and Statistics and a microfinance prodigy. He is a practical investment adviser and an entrepreneur with many years of investment experience. He likes to share investment tips with people who want to earn financial freedom.
The author Isaac Akohene-Asiedu is a lecturer in Finance and Statistics and a microfinance prodigy. He is a practical investment adviser and an entrepreneur with many years of investment experience. He likes to share investment tips with people who want to earn financial freedom.
Investing Money in 2011-2012 - Stocks Vs Bonds
Investing money in 2011 and 2012 puts the investor between a rock and a hard place as investing has become more difficult. Investing in stocks has gained favor vs. bonds in recent months. What's going on, how should you invest, and why do I say investing has become difficult?
The stock market just about doubled in value between early 2009 and early 2011, and investing money in stocks (equities) and selling bonds appeared to be the new trend in investing for 2011. Does this mean that investors are confident that the U.S. economy is well and getting better? Not necessarily. More than likely it means that investing in equities appears to be the lesser of two evils. Bonds and bond funds have a cloud hanging over their head. Interest rates could start rising significantly in 2011 or in 2012 and this spells trouble for anyone investing in bonds.
There are very few statements you can make in the world of investing money that are universally accepted as fact. One of them is this: when interest rates go up, bond prices (values) go down. In simple terms, the fixed interest payments that these securities pay become less attractive to investors as rates go up. So, many investors will sell their bonds... sending prices down... and put their money someplace else. Since the government had been holding interest rates down for months to stimulate the economy, rates are likely to go up in 2011 or 2012, if the government stops this policy as planned. Investing money in bonds will then be a loosing proposition if rates rise significantly. That's a fact and about as black and white as investing gets.
Stock investing is more of a gray area. High and rising interest rates can slash corporate profits and this tends to send stock prices down. But in early 2011 rates might have been rising, but they certainly were not high by historical standards. Corporate profits were strong and investors dumped bonds and switched to stocks. The other major alternative for investing money was safe investments like one-year CDs and money market funds. With both of them paying less than 1% a year, there was little reason for the average investor to invest in either. The only real advantage in safe investments at these low interest rates is safety and liquidity.
In other words, none of the three basic investment areas where most people invest look very attractive. That's what makes investing money in 2011 and going forward difficult. If interest rates continue to climb bonds are guaranteed losers and stocks will eventually get hit. Safe investments might not look attractive when they start paying at 1% or 2%, but they will at 3%, and that's where folks will put there money.
So, how should most people invest money for 2011-2012? Cut your exposure to bonds and avoid long-term bonds and funds that invest in them. Long-term bonds and funds will get hurt the most if rates rise significantly. Go with intermediate or shorter term bond funds. Move some money into money market funds. They are safe and the interest they earn will automatically go up with rising interest rates. Investing money in stocks or equity funds should remain a part of your overall strategy, but avoid aggressive growth issues or growth funds that don't pay significant dividends. Look for dividend yields of at least 2% in high quality stocks or equity funds. Growth stocks are often hardest hit when corporate profits fall.
Diversification and balance are your keys to success when investing money in 2011-2012. There are times you can invest aggressively, and there are times when a more cautious approach is called for. With interest rate hikes looming over the markets, this is not the time to throw caution to the wind.
The stock market just about doubled in value between early 2009 and early 2011, and investing money in stocks (equities) and selling bonds appeared to be the new trend in investing for 2011. Does this mean that investors are confident that the U.S. economy is well and getting better? Not necessarily. More than likely it means that investing in equities appears to be the lesser of two evils. Bonds and bond funds have a cloud hanging over their head. Interest rates could start rising significantly in 2011 or in 2012 and this spells trouble for anyone investing in bonds.
There are very few statements you can make in the world of investing money that are universally accepted as fact. One of them is this: when interest rates go up, bond prices (values) go down. In simple terms, the fixed interest payments that these securities pay become less attractive to investors as rates go up. So, many investors will sell their bonds... sending prices down... and put their money someplace else. Since the government had been holding interest rates down for months to stimulate the economy, rates are likely to go up in 2011 or 2012, if the government stops this policy as planned. Investing money in bonds will then be a loosing proposition if rates rise significantly. That's a fact and about as black and white as investing gets.
Stock investing is more of a gray area. High and rising interest rates can slash corporate profits and this tends to send stock prices down. But in early 2011 rates might have been rising, but they certainly were not high by historical standards. Corporate profits were strong and investors dumped bonds and switched to stocks. The other major alternative for investing money was safe investments like one-year CDs and money market funds. With both of them paying less than 1% a year, there was little reason for the average investor to invest in either. The only real advantage in safe investments at these low interest rates is safety and liquidity.
In other words, none of the three basic investment areas where most people invest look very attractive. That's what makes investing money in 2011 and going forward difficult. If interest rates continue to climb bonds are guaranteed losers and stocks will eventually get hit. Safe investments might not look attractive when they start paying at 1% or 2%, but they will at 3%, and that's where folks will put there money.
So, how should most people invest money for 2011-2012? Cut your exposure to bonds and avoid long-term bonds and funds that invest in them. Long-term bonds and funds will get hurt the most if rates rise significantly. Go with intermediate or shorter term bond funds. Move some money into money market funds. They are safe and the interest they earn will automatically go up with rising interest rates. Investing money in stocks or equity funds should remain a part of your overall strategy, but avoid aggressive growth issues or growth funds that don't pay significant dividends. Look for dividend yields of at least 2% in high quality stocks or equity funds. Growth stocks are often hardest hit when corporate profits fall.
Diversification and balance are your keys to success when investing money in 2011-2012. There are times you can invest aggressively, and there are times when a more cautious approach is called for. With interest rate hikes looming over the markets, this is not the time to throw caution to the wind.
Author James Leitz teaches investment basics, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and how to invest in his investing guide for beginners called INVEST INFORMED. Put Jim's 40 years of investing experience to work for you and get up to speed at Learn how to invest.
What Investment Method Gives You the Best Return?
There is a method that will give you the best return on investment but it requires a bit of homework to discover. It may only take you five minutes or it may take you a week, but there is one particular method that will give you the best return on your investments. The method you like will be specific to you.
In previous articles I have written about fundamental analysis and technical analysis with and without charts. One of these methods will form the foundation for how you develop your best method of investment to get the best returns. In other words, there is not one do-it-all for everyone.
The keys to finding your best return method are to first write down:
• Time - how much time are you willing to spend each day or week on making your investment decisions.
• Are you interested in long-term (many years) to cash in your profits or do you need to make money quickly or rapidly or in substantial amounts?
• Are you willing to take risks or do you want to play it safe?
Mutual funds, stocks and ETFs can work for almost all investors. The difference comes in how you screen them to meet your objectives based on how you answered those three key questions. The answers to some questions may not work with the answer to another question. For example, if you only have an hour of so a week, rapid stock trading isn't going to work as that requires at least 30 minutes a day. If you are willing to let your profits accumulate over long periods of time, even years, then you may only need to trade once or twice a month at the most.
Long term investing can be accomplished with either technical or fundamental investing. Short and medium term trading (where you own a stock or ETF for days, weeks or months instead of many, many years) is best accomplished with technical analysis.
So, what is the best method for you?
Only want to spend an hour or two a month on medium to longer term investments?
• Technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, funds
Can spend many hours at a time but only a few times a year on long term investments?
• Fundamental or technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, funds
Can spend an hour a week on medium or long term investments?
• Technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, funds
You have an hour or more most days for short, medium or long term investments?
• Technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, some funds
The key to these methods is using a methodology that fits your trading pattern. Software programs are designed for investors who trade during the day, or investors who trade based on the end-of-day pricing either daily, weekly, monthly or even less frequently. Most chart programs can be used for any of these technical investment methods but they tend to be aimed at day or frequent traders.
Investment programs can be online, from an online broker or one you purchase separately. Some are easy to learn, others may take weeks or months. Some offer free, quick customer service, others charge after a certain time period. Some can be customized to work with your answers to the three key questions, your method and objectives; others have a particular set method that must be compatible with your objectives.
In previous articles I have written about fundamental analysis and technical analysis with and without charts. One of these methods will form the foundation for how you develop your best method of investment to get the best returns. In other words, there is not one do-it-all for everyone.
The keys to finding your best return method are to first write down:
• Time - how much time are you willing to spend each day or week on making your investment decisions.
• Are you interested in long-term (many years) to cash in your profits or do you need to make money quickly or rapidly or in substantial amounts?
• Are you willing to take risks or do you want to play it safe?
Mutual funds, stocks and ETFs can work for almost all investors. The difference comes in how you screen them to meet your objectives based on how you answered those three key questions. The answers to some questions may not work with the answer to another question. For example, if you only have an hour of so a week, rapid stock trading isn't going to work as that requires at least 30 minutes a day. If you are willing to let your profits accumulate over long periods of time, even years, then you may only need to trade once or twice a month at the most.
Long term investing can be accomplished with either technical or fundamental investing. Short and medium term trading (where you own a stock or ETF for days, weeks or months instead of many, many years) is best accomplished with technical analysis.
So, what is the best method for you?
Only want to spend an hour or two a month on medium to longer term investments?
• Technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, funds
Can spend many hours at a time but only a few times a year on long term investments?
• Fundamental or technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, funds
Can spend an hour a week on medium or long term investments?
• Technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, funds
You have an hour or more most days for short, medium or long term investments?
• Technical analysis
• Stocks, ETFs, some funds
The key to these methods is using a methodology that fits your trading pattern. Software programs are designed for investors who trade during the day, or investors who trade based on the end-of-day pricing either daily, weekly, monthly or even less frequently. Most chart programs can be used for any of these technical investment methods but they tend to be aimed at day or frequent traders.
Investment programs can be online, from an online broker or one you purchase separately. Some are easy to learn, others may take weeks or months. Some offer free, quick customer service, others charge after a certain time period. Some can be customized to work with your answers to the three key questions, your method and objectives; others have a particular set method that must be compatible with your objectives.
Author Raymond Dominick is the designer of Dynamic Investor Pro investment software for stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. He has been investing in the markets since his teenage years. An experienced business manager and journalist, he has been a registered investment advisor representative, also a professional photographer who loves escaping to the wonders of Glacier National Park in Montana.
View his software at:
View his software at:
Socialization of Your Investment Decision Article Source: do you make your Investment decisions? Well, this article is not about the technical terms that are being used in accordance with the term investment. Rather, it concentrates on the social part of every investment. Interesting? Read on! While making some investment decisions, we like to behave in certain ways. Besides making the basic research before investing, we like to generate references for the same. This article is all about those social aspects of investment and focuses and how it can help us to make some better investment decisions. Nowadays, almost everybody owns stocks (including you of course), in different forms like pension plans, mutual funds, stock ownership funds, brokerage accounts etc. Everybody likes to talk about their investments in a social format. Whether it is in the workplace, online forums or even on a phone chat, people like to discuss it. Especially when you a newbie and out in the market to invest. Earlier, investment decisions were made according to the advice of the full-service brokers. Now, it has been totally replaced by many other options. You can easily get some useful advices from your favorite financial website/s. Numbers of people are discussing about the investment online. Experts are continuously giving advices on various investment opportunities. Here pops up the question - why should we listen to those people? The answer is quite simple- Investment is not an easy task and expert plus reference tips really help. Even the analysts use the price ranges for their expectations, not the price. Then how the common people can make some decisions themselves? This is why the concept of socialization is valid in investment. Comments of analysts, newsletter, and news channels are thus helping the common investors to make some really good decisions. This has actually created a social pressure to move towards a particular direction. We can't ignore the voice of those experts and act according to their suggestions. It all creates a mentality to move with the crowd. There are both pros and cons of doing this, but, in fact, we can't avoid this; it's in our psychology to go with the herd. We act in such a way because we don't want to be left behind. This is the reason why we continuously check the news updates, search online if there is any change in stock market and this is one of the reasons why we are desperate to get the fastest connection. It is a common belief of the investors that moving slowly in investment is definitely a call to death. The socialization of investment is therefore playing an important role here. If you are not getting the news fast, there is no need to worry; your friend must have got it. The investment clubs are also a result of socialization of investment. In these investment clubs, groups of people come together, pool their money and invest in the stocks. Investment clubs may consist of co-workers, friends or even family members. These clubs create an environment for learning and in the same time get some good returns on their investment. It helps in making better group decisions. This is how we react socially while some investment decisions are being made. These things are important to all of us, because if we know how we react in a particular situation, then we get the chance to avoid the negative ones while making the next decision. Angel Clark is a passionate writer who writes mainly on investment and personal finance related topics aiming to help others. His contents help people to decide which investment is the best and which is not. Article Source:
How do you make your Investment decisions? Well, this article is not about the technical terms that are being used in accordance with the term investment. Rather, it concentrates on the social part of every investment. Interesting? Read on!
While making some investment decisions, we like to behave in certain ways. Besides making the basic research before investing, we like to generate references for the same. This article is all about those social aspects of investment and focuses and how it can help us to make some better investment decisions.
Nowadays, almost everybody owns stocks (including you of course), in different forms like pension plans, mutual funds, stock ownership funds, brokerage accounts etc. Everybody likes to talk about their investments in a social format. Whether it is in the workplace, online forums or even on a phone chat, people like to discuss it. Especially when you a newbie and out in the market to invest.
Earlier, investment decisions were made according to the advice of the full-service brokers. Now, it has been totally replaced by many other options. You can easily get some useful advices from your favorite financial website/s. Numbers of people are discussing about the investment online. Experts are continuously giving advices on various investment opportunities. Here pops up the question - why should we listen to those people? The answer is quite simple- Investment is not an easy task and expert plus reference tips really help. Even the analysts use the price ranges for their expectations, not the price. Then how the common people can make some decisions themselves?
This is why the concept of socialization is valid in investment. Comments of analysts, newsletter, and news channels are thus helping the common investors to make some really good decisions. This has actually created a social pressure to move towards a particular direction. We can't ignore the voice of those experts and act according to their suggestions.
It all creates a mentality to move with the crowd. There are both pros and cons of doing this, but, in fact, we can't avoid this; it's in our psychology to go with the herd. We act in such a way because we don't want to be left behind. This is the reason why we continuously check the news updates, search online if there is any change in stock market and this is one of the reasons why we are desperate to get the fastest connection.
It is a common belief of the investors that moving slowly in investment is definitely a call to death. The socialization of investment is therefore playing an important role here. If you are not getting the news fast, there is no need to worry; your friend must have got it.
The investment clubs are also a result of socialization of investment. In these investment clubs, groups of people come together, pool their money and invest in the stocks. Investment clubs may consist of co-workers, friends or even family members. These clubs create an environment for learning and in the same time get some good returns on their investment. It helps in making better group decisions.
This is how we react socially while some investment decisions are being made. These things are important to all of us, because if we know how we react in a particular situation, then we get the chance to avoid the negative ones while making the next decision.
Angel Clark is a passionate writer who writes mainly on investment and personal finance related topics aiming to help others. His contents help people to decide which investment is the best and which is not.While making some investment decisions, we like to behave in certain ways. Besides making the basic research before investing, we like to generate references for the same. This article is all about those social aspects of investment and focuses and how it can help us to make some better investment decisions.
Nowadays, almost everybody owns stocks (including you of course), in different forms like pension plans, mutual funds, stock ownership funds, brokerage accounts etc. Everybody likes to talk about their investments in a social format. Whether it is in the workplace, online forums or even on a phone chat, people like to discuss it. Especially when you a newbie and out in the market to invest.
Earlier, investment decisions were made according to the advice of the full-service brokers. Now, it has been totally replaced by many other options. You can easily get some useful advices from your favorite financial website/s. Numbers of people are discussing about the investment online. Experts are continuously giving advices on various investment opportunities. Here pops up the question - why should we listen to those people? The answer is quite simple- Investment is not an easy task and expert plus reference tips really help. Even the analysts use the price ranges for their expectations, not the price. Then how the common people can make some decisions themselves?
This is why the concept of socialization is valid in investment. Comments of analysts, newsletter, and news channels are thus helping the common investors to make some really good decisions. This has actually created a social pressure to move towards a particular direction. We can't ignore the voice of those experts and act according to their suggestions.
It all creates a mentality to move with the crowd. There are both pros and cons of doing this, but, in fact, we can't avoid this; it's in our psychology to go with the herd. We act in such a way because we don't want to be left behind. This is the reason why we continuously check the news updates, search online if there is any change in stock market and this is one of the reasons why we are desperate to get the fastest connection.
It is a common belief of the investors that moving slowly in investment is definitely a call to death. The socialization of investment is therefore playing an important role here. If you are not getting the news fast, there is no need to worry; your friend must have got it.
The investment clubs are also a result of socialization of investment. In these investment clubs, groups of people come together, pool their money and invest in the stocks. Investment clubs may consist of co-workers, friends or even family members. These clubs create an environment for learning and in the same time get some good returns on their investment. It helps in making better group decisions.
This is how we react socially while some investment decisions are being made. These things are important to all of us, because if we know how we react in a particular situation, then we get the chance to avoid the negative ones while making the next decision.
Best Investments for 2011
It takes a little bit of awareness to invest and prosper. According to research conducted by experts, it is due to lack of awareness among common people that investment activity is so low. However, few people would mind a little profit, so investment is a kind of activity, which anyone with a tiny bit of desire and devotion can try his/her hand in. There are two reasons why we cannot make up our minds and go for it: lack of awareness and overloaded work schedules. To help you get through, we recommend that you consult a financial planner and a little written material on the best investments for 2011 for you to go through.
What Are the Best Investment Options for 2011
Investing in Gold
Gold investments are still the safest of all existing investment alternatives today's market can offer. The times of gold purchased in shops and stashed in the remotest corner of your home are long gone. With electronic payment systems readily available, you can do the trick without leaving your home. You can buy gold when gold prices lower, but you can just as well profit when they go up. It should be noted that gold prices tend to grow during feasts and special events, so you can take advantage of these moments.
Investing in Commodities
These have been the best investments for 2010 and are expected to be for 2011. This market is less predictable than gold market, because metal prices depend on the situation in the world market, which is in no way stable. Therefore, if you have decided to go this way, a piece of advice from an experienced and reputable broker is a good option. Go through the best investment firms you know who you think can shed some light on the situation.
Investment in Mutual Funds
These are among the best investments for 2011, since this option appears to be a way around the risks brought on by direct stock market investments. You get a chance to invest in both highly and lowly capitalized companies, so you can even out the risk. This strategy requires patience and strategic thinking, since it is the global economy that defiles the degree of risk and the tactics. Actually, what investors get from it is reputation and portfolio.
Investing in Fixed Deposits
This is the best investments for young people who plan and save for years to come. Banks attract customers by affordable interest rate levels and fixed percentage returns, which are much less volatile than those offered by other best long term investments.
Investing in Real Estate Property
It is not unlikely that real estate investments are the best investments for 2011. All you need is a little knack for negotiation and distinguishing between different types of real estate property. One more thing you need is a little patience, because, like any other kind of long-term investment, this one does not feed back immediately. Most probably, the best thing to consider is investing in rapidly growing and evolving towns and cities.
What Are the Best Investment Options for 2011
Investing in Gold
Gold investments are still the safest of all existing investment alternatives today's market can offer. The times of gold purchased in shops and stashed in the remotest corner of your home are long gone. With electronic payment systems readily available, you can do the trick without leaving your home. You can buy gold when gold prices lower, but you can just as well profit when they go up. It should be noted that gold prices tend to grow during feasts and special events, so you can take advantage of these moments.
Investing in Commodities
These have been the best investments for 2010 and are expected to be for 2011. This market is less predictable than gold market, because metal prices depend on the situation in the world market, which is in no way stable. Therefore, if you have decided to go this way, a piece of advice from an experienced and reputable broker is a good option. Go through the best investment firms you know who you think can shed some light on the situation.
Investment in Mutual Funds
These are among the best investments for 2011, since this option appears to be a way around the risks brought on by direct stock market investments. You get a chance to invest in both highly and lowly capitalized companies, so you can even out the risk. This strategy requires patience and strategic thinking, since it is the global economy that defiles the degree of risk and the tactics. Actually, what investors get from it is reputation and portfolio.
Investing in Fixed Deposits
This is the best investments for young people who plan and save for years to come. Banks attract customers by affordable interest rate levels and fixed percentage returns, which are much less volatile than those offered by other best long term investments.
Investing in Real Estate Property
It is not unlikely that real estate investments are the best investments for 2011. All you need is a little knack for negotiation and distinguishing between different types of real estate property. One more thing you need is a little patience, because, like any other kind of long-term investment, this one does not feed back immediately. Most probably, the best thing to consider is investing in rapidly growing and evolving towns and cities.
Judgments As Investments
I am not a lawyer or financial adviser, I am a judgment referral expert (Judgment Broker). As with paintings, judgments can be bought and sold. Just like paintings, you can buy junk or buy good investments.
Unlike a painting, you do not buy a judgment for it's looks, just to hang on a wall. Anyone who buys one should plan on either enforcing it, having some entity enforce it, or to sell it later, hopefully for a profit.
There are at least four good reasons to buy judgments:
1) Judgments have state-mandated interest rates. For example, in California, the interest rate is currently 10% simple interest per year. Very few investments can match this interest rate.
2) They can be renewed for a long time.
3) They can be purchased at a huge discount.
4) Once a judgment is purchased, liens can be placed on real property and sometimes the personal property of the judgment debtor.
There are at least four reasons not to buy judgments:
1) They are not cash, and are not fungible. You cannot bring a judgment to a bank and get any cash for it, or use one as collateral to get a loan.
2) They are risky. Everything depends on the health and finances of the judgment debtor. If the debtor dies, moves out of the country, becomes disabled or sick, or successfully files for bankruptcy protection, the value of the judgment can fall to zero.
3) They cost money to recover or sell. If you have a judgment and want it enforced, the average cost is 50%. Worse yet, there is no guarantee, as repayment depends on the judgment debtor. If you sell your judgment for cash, you may get more or less than you paid for it.
4) Judgment liens may not pay off on "underwater" property (where there is no equity). Judgment liens can be stripped off by a bankruptcy court, or have very little effect in places like Florida.
Should you buy a judgment as an investment? The answer depends on the details of the debtor, and the price you must pay to buy ownership of the judgment.
A judgment broker, who knows about thousands of judgment sales, can give you an estimate of a judgment's worth. However, only the market and the details about the debtor, determine the actual sale price of any judgment.
As an investor, you should always buy judgments outright, where you own all rights, title, and interests in the judgments. Never share the ownership of a judgment, unless you seek the advice of an attorney, and they have verified any shared ownership proposals.
Unlike cash or gold, a judgment is a piece of paper that only has value to the current owner. A stolen judgment is useless. Also, if you lose a judgment, the court (for a fee) can easily replace it.
If you can afford to take some risk in your portfolio, and you can find a bargain where the risks are moderate, judgments may be no more risky that stocks. If the economy bounces back, they might become the best investments around.
Unlike a painting, you do not buy a judgment for it's looks, just to hang on a wall. Anyone who buys one should plan on either enforcing it, having some entity enforce it, or to sell it later, hopefully for a profit.
There are at least four good reasons to buy judgments:
1) Judgments have state-mandated interest rates. For example, in California, the interest rate is currently 10% simple interest per year. Very few investments can match this interest rate.
2) They can be renewed for a long time.
3) They can be purchased at a huge discount.
4) Once a judgment is purchased, liens can be placed on real property and sometimes the personal property of the judgment debtor.
There are at least four reasons not to buy judgments:
1) They are not cash, and are not fungible. You cannot bring a judgment to a bank and get any cash for it, or use one as collateral to get a loan.
2) They are risky. Everything depends on the health and finances of the judgment debtor. If the debtor dies, moves out of the country, becomes disabled or sick, or successfully files for bankruptcy protection, the value of the judgment can fall to zero.
3) They cost money to recover or sell. If you have a judgment and want it enforced, the average cost is 50%. Worse yet, there is no guarantee, as repayment depends on the judgment debtor. If you sell your judgment for cash, you may get more or less than you paid for it.
4) Judgment liens may not pay off on "underwater" property (where there is no equity). Judgment liens can be stripped off by a bankruptcy court, or have very little effect in places like Florida.
Should you buy a judgment as an investment? The answer depends on the details of the debtor, and the price you must pay to buy ownership of the judgment.
A judgment broker, who knows about thousands of judgment sales, can give you an estimate of a judgment's worth. However, only the market and the details about the debtor, determine the actual sale price of any judgment.
As an investor, you should always buy judgments outright, where you own all rights, title, and interests in the judgments. Never share the ownership of a judgment, unless you seek the advice of an attorney, and they have verified any shared ownership proposals.
Unlike cash or gold, a judgment is a piece of paper that only has value to the current owner. A stolen judgment is useless. Also, if you lose a judgment, the court (for a fee) can easily replace it.
If you can afford to take some risk in your portfolio, and you can find a bargain where the risks are moderate, judgments may be no more risky that stocks. If the economy bounces back, they might become the best investments around.
How to Invest Safely and Conservatively
Safe conservative investing is possible. Yes, investing in the markets can be risky but you can minimize the risk dramatically. And you need not be a retiree to want to invest conservatively.
Even if you are not a "conservative" investor you may still want to invest a portion of your portfolio conservatively to help balance or diversify your portfolio. This can be accomplished as quickly as you decide how much of your investment portfolio you want to be "conservatively" safe.
Safe, conservative investing may not make you super rich overnight, but safe investing will preserve your cash and grow your portfolio. And a conservative portfolio started when someone is in their 20's, 30's or even 40's can grow into a very large sum, creating substantial wealth and security.
The steps to a conservative portfolio are straightforward:
• How much of your cash should be considered safe & conservative?
• How will your investments be made?
o By yourself
o By using an Investment Advisor
o By following an investment newsletter
If you decide to use an Investment Advisor or Financial Planner, I suggest:
• Interview three or four to see if their investment philosophy meshes with yours and if your personalities are compatible.
• Discuss fees and commissions.
• Discuss goals and objectives
• Understand that most advisors will not accept clients with less than $100,000 - $250,000 and some want you to have a much larger portfolio.
If you decide to follow an investment newsletter, I suggest:
• Research newsletters; don't just go with the offers that drop into your mailbox.
• Examine their track records.
• Do they offer timely advice when there are sharp market movements?
• Can you use the newsletter for all types of conservative investments (stocks, ETFs and mutual funds)?
If you decide to manage your own investments, I suggest:
• Research and pick a software program that you can customize to work your way.
• Decide if you need current income from your investments or if the income will be automatically re-invested to help your portfolio grow further.
• Choose or assort your investment positions from:
o Dividend producing stocks, ETFs or funds
o Short to long-term bonds
o Stocks, ETFs or funds with minimal risk and long-term growth potential
• Be willing to adjust the positions in your portfolio on an occasional time frame, but to take a 30 minute look every week or every few weeks.
Safe, conservative investment requires a bit of discipline. You have to remember that you are investing for the long term and that a one-day drop in the markets is not reason to panic and sell, in contrast to a sustaining market decline which could be reason to re-examine your positions. But if your positions are all producing strong income and are the type to come back after a decline, then decide carefully whether or not to sell. When you do sell in a market downturn, a conservative attitude would move either to cash or into more bond positions.
The other discipline is to not allow yourself to be swayed into risky or aggressive investments. This may seem logical, but human, emotional beings that we are, we are all susceptible. Remember a safe, conservative portfolio or sub-portfolio of all your investments, may be part of the answer to securing your money for the future.
Author Raymond Dominick is the designer of Dynamic Investor Pro investment software for stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. He has been investing in the markets since his teenage years. An experienced business manager and journalist, he has been a registered investment advisor representative, also a professional photographer who loves escaping to the wonders of Glacier National Park in Montana.Even if you are not a "conservative" investor you may still want to invest a portion of your portfolio conservatively to help balance or diversify your portfolio. This can be accomplished as quickly as you decide how much of your investment portfolio you want to be "conservatively" safe.
Safe, conservative investing may not make you super rich overnight, but safe investing will preserve your cash and grow your portfolio. And a conservative portfolio started when someone is in their 20's, 30's or even 40's can grow into a very large sum, creating substantial wealth and security.
The steps to a conservative portfolio are straightforward:
• How much of your cash should be considered safe & conservative?
• How will your investments be made?
o By yourself
o By using an Investment Advisor
o By following an investment newsletter
If you decide to use an Investment Advisor or Financial Planner, I suggest:
• Interview three or four to see if their investment philosophy meshes with yours and if your personalities are compatible.
• Discuss fees and commissions.
• Discuss goals and objectives
• Understand that most advisors will not accept clients with less than $100,000 - $250,000 and some want you to have a much larger portfolio.
If you decide to follow an investment newsletter, I suggest:
• Research newsletters; don't just go with the offers that drop into your mailbox.
• Examine their track records.
• Do they offer timely advice when there are sharp market movements?
• Can you use the newsletter for all types of conservative investments (stocks, ETFs and mutual funds)?
If you decide to manage your own investments, I suggest:
• Research and pick a software program that you can customize to work your way.
• Decide if you need current income from your investments or if the income will be automatically re-invested to help your portfolio grow further.
• Choose or assort your investment positions from:
o Dividend producing stocks, ETFs or funds
o Short to long-term bonds
o Stocks, ETFs or funds with minimal risk and long-term growth potential
• Be willing to adjust the positions in your portfolio on an occasional time frame, but to take a 30 minute look every week or every few weeks.
Safe, conservative investment requires a bit of discipline. You have to remember that you are investing for the long term and that a one-day drop in the markets is not reason to panic and sell, in contrast to a sustaining market decline which could be reason to re-examine your positions. But if your positions are all producing strong income and are the type to come back after a decline, then decide carefully whether or not to sell. When you do sell in a market downturn, a conservative attitude would move either to cash or into more bond positions.
The other discipline is to not allow yourself to be swayed into risky or aggressive investments. This may seem logical, but human, emotional beings that we are, we are all susceptible. Remember a safe, conservative portfolio or sub-portfolio of all your investments, may be part of the answer to securing your money for the future.
Getting Smart With CFDs
For those willing to take the certain amounts of risk involved in the trading market, the concept of Contract for Difference Trading will be an interesting one. CFD as it is popularly know is gradually being considered one of the safest forms of trading currently available. In fact it is a quite a reliable source in terms of investment. Here is how CFDs can be beneficial.
The first advantage you get in CFDs is that it allows you, as a trader to go long or short. This means that you can choose to go in for shorter time frames for trading or longer ones. Either ways, growth will remain on a steady uphill. When you are trading with CFD, it will be possible for you to be more profitable even if you have a smaller float. In order to maximize your profits however, you will need to know how CFDs work inside out and have an efficient system in place.
Another benefit of CFD trading is that you will be given a CFD Day Trading option. This will ensure that you do not need to foot the costs of overnight interest. The flexibility that CFD can offer to its investors makes it possible for you to place all your trades, irrespective of the time of day. Also the lack of an expiry date makes it all the more beneficial. When you trade as a CFD trade you do not have to wait for an execution. While in regular share trading you need to wait for an executive in CFD its almost instantaneous.
CFD trading does not stop at just one financial instrument. With these, you can trade across the entire spectrum of the market. All this can be done having just one CFD trading account for all markets. In CFD, the income is instant. This means that as long as you know your markets well, even the smallest of them can give you instant returns. What you do have to keep in mind is that when you need to purchase share deals for the short term advantages and hang onto them for a while. In CFD you can also make a profit when the market grows as well as when the prices begin decline.
There is a steady demand for this form of trading simply because it brings in instantaneous results. However, even here there is a need to be thorough about the processes involved or else you are not likely to make the most of it.
The first advantage you get in CFDs is that it allows you, as a trader to go long or short. This means that you can choose to go in for shorter time frames for trading or longer ones. Either ways, growth will remain on a steady uphill. When you are trading with CFD, it will be possible for you to be more profitable even if you have a smaller float. In order to maximize your profits however, you will need to know how CFDs work inside out and have an efficient system in place.
Another benefit of CFD trading is that you will be given a CFD Day Trading option. This will ensure that you do not need to foot the costs of overnight interest. The flexibility that CFD can offer to its investors makes it possible for you to place all your trades, irrespective of the time of day. Also the lack of an expiry date makes it all the more beneficial. When you trade as a CFD trade you do not have to wait for an execution. While in regular share trading you need to wait for an executive in CFD its almost instantaneous.
CFD trading does not stop at just one financial instrument. With these, you can trade across the entire spectrum of the market. All this can be done having just one CFD trading account for all markets. In CFD, the income is instant. This means that as long as you know your markets well, even the smallest of them can give you instant returns. What you do have to keep in mind is that when you need to purchase share deals for the short term advantages and hang onto them for a while. In CFD you can also make a profit when the market grows as well as when the prices begin decline.
There is a steady demand for this form of trading simply because it brings in instantaneous results. However, even here there is a need to be thorough about the processes involved or else you are not likely to make the most of it.
IG Markets is a CFD trading company which offers share trading, forex trading on thousands of shares plus forex, indices, commodities, options and also commodity trading.
A New Regional Emerging Markets ETF
Emerging market investments offer potential for higher returns while being highly volatile. Investors therefore include emerging markets ETFs in their ETF portfolio. A popular emerging market ETF is iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Fund (EEM).
Regional emerging markets ETFs like iShares MSCI Eastern Europe Index Fund (ESR) and iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index Fund (ILF) offer exposure to different geographic segments.
Now a new ETF has become available for investment specifically in Southeast Asia... the Global X FTSE ASEAN 40 ETF (ASEA). The ETF seeks to track the price and yield performance of stocks included in the FTSE ASEAN 40 Index.
In 1967 Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand formed an economic bloc called the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to promote economic growth through free trade amongst those countries. Since then, ASEAN has expanded and currently includes Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmarand Vietnam.
Benefits & Risks of ASEAN ETF
The Global X ASEAN ETF invests in the 40 largest companies in the five founding member nations of ASEAN. The ETF currently has the following weightings: Singapore 41%, Malaysia 33%, Indonesia 15%, Thailand 11%, and the Philippines 1%.
Southeast Asia is one of the fastest growing regions in the global economy. Singaporeis considered a developed market. The economies of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand are expanding rapidly thanks to their economic liberalization policies promoting foreign direct investments, availability of skilled labor at low wages and bilateral trade with China. A fast growing affluent middle class drives up demand for a multitude of consumer goods and services.
Over 40% of Global X ASEAN ETF's assets are invested in Singapore, posing country concentration risk. Another risk is the dependence of ASEAN countries on China. Like other emerging markets ETFs, the ASEAN ETF carries risks associated with foreign currency, higher inflation and nationalization of companies the ETF invests in.
Investment Strategy
Investors can use a core and satellite strategy to build an emerging markets ETF portfolio. They can consider using the Vanguard ETF (VWO) for the core portion of the ETF portfolio. The Vanguard ETFs as well as sector and industry group index funds are designed to track a target index. VWO tracks the Morgan Stanley Capital International's (MSCI) Emerging Markets Index.
With only 7% of its assets invested in the emerging markets of ASEAN, the Vanguard ETF offers only a limited exposure to ASEAN. Investors can use Global X ASEAN ETF as the satellite portion of their ETF portfolio.
Country Specific ETFs
Investors have the option of investing in country specific ETFs in ASEAN.They are iShares MSCI Indonesia Investable Market Index Fund (EIDO), iShares MSCI Malaysia Index Fund (EWM), iShares MSCI Philippines Investable Market Index Fund, (EPHE), iShares MSCI Singapore Index Fund (EWS), and iShares MSCI Thailand Investable Market Index Fund (THD).
Regional emerging markets ETFs like iShares MSCI Eastern Europe Index Fund (ESR) and iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index Fund (ILF) offer exposure to different geographic segments.
Now a new ETF has become available for investment specifically in Southeast Asia... the Global X FTSE ASEAN 40 ETF (ASEA). The ETF seeks to track the price and yield performance of stocks included in the FTSE ASEAN 40 Index.
In 1967 Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand formed an economic bloc called the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to promote economic growth through free trade amongst those countries. Since then, ASEAN has expanded and currently includes Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmarand Vietnam.
Benefits & Risks of ASEAN ETF
The Global X ASEAN ETF invests in the 40 largest companies in the five founding member nations of ASEAN. The ETF currently has the following weightings: Singapore 41%, Malaysia 33%, Indonesia 15%, Thailand 11%, and the Philippines 1%.
Southeast Asia is one of the fastest growing regions in the global economy. Singaporeis considered a developed market. The economies of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand are expanding rapidly thanks to their economic liberalization policies promoting foreign direct investments, availability of skilled labor at low wages and bilateral trade with China. A fast growing affluent middle class drives up demand for a multitude of consumer goods and services.
Over 40% of Global X ASEAN ETF's assets are invested in Singapore, posing country concentration risk. Another risk is the dependence of ASEAN countries on China. Like other emerging markets ETFs, the ASEAN ETF carries risks associated with foreign currency, higher inflation and nationalization of companies the ETF invests in.
Investment Strategy
Investors can use a core and satellite strategy to build an emerging markets ETF portfolio. They can consider using the Vanguard ETF (VWO) for the core portion of the ETF portfolio. The Vanguard ETFs as well as sector and industry group index funds are designed to track a target index. VWO tracks the Morgan Stanley Capital International's (MSCI) Emerging Markets Index.
With only 7% of its assets invested in the emerging markets of ASEAN, the Vanguard ETF offers only a limited exposure to ASEAN. Investors can use Global X ASEAN ETF as the satellite portion of their ETF portfolio.
Country Specific ETFs
Investors have the option of investing in country specific ETFs in ASEAN.They are iShares MSCI Indonesia Investable Market Index Fund (EIDO), iShares MSCI Malaysia Index Fund (EWM), iShares MSCI Philippines Investable Market Index Fund, (EPHE), iShares MSCI Singapore Index Fund (EWS), and iShares MSCI Thailand Investable Market Index Fund (THD).
Online Trading in Your Own Home
Online trading from a person's home can be an enjoyable and lucrative opportunity. More and more people who used to only trade the traditional way offline are now becoming virtual traders because of some proven advantages.
Be Your Own Boss
In any economy, many people would love to be their own boss but they don't know how to go about it or what type of business to start. But by trading online at home, even a newcomer to the trading markets can set up his own office and workspace and focus all his energies and attention on trying to earn a substantial living with his trades. It's also a convenient way to earn income as well. This self-employment aspect is extremely satisfying to a large group of people. And if a person already has significant experience with trading, he can still attempt to go at it alone at home and be successful like so many before him have.
Lower Costs Per Trade
Online trades from the privacy of a person's home invariably costs less per trade than traditional trading methods. It can be a highly profitable work at home career for the intelligent investor who knows the importance of conserving all possible costs associated with each trade. Trading at home allows people to coordinate their trades with an online brokerage firm, and the commission's savings simply can't be surpassed.
Better Technology
Trading at home offers the benefits of utilizing state-of-the-art software and research tools to help traders take better advantage of current and forthcoming trends and substantial profit opportunities. This software technology is intricately designed yet truly easy and straightforward to use. There's no question it greatly benefits any online trader who's handling his trades alone from home. He will definitely feel a greater sense of security and trust when using this technology during each trading session. His online trading confidence levels will also be much improved knowing he has the best possible tools at his disposal whenever he feels the need to use them.
Why Join Trading Education?
Studying at an online trading academy is one of the wisest steps to take to expand a trader's knowledge base. In a rather short span of time, he can learn all he needs to know about Forex trading, stock and options trading, plus any other areas of trading knowledge that he may have felt deficient in before enrolling in the trading academy. Highly experienced academicians and veteran traders design and teach the courses offered at the academy. The cost of completing the training requirements is quite reasonable as well. Without the advanced knowledge base offered at an academy, an at home trader can be at a distinct disadvantage from other online traders who have passed the academic disciplines involved in the study modules.
Be Your Own Boss
In any economy, many people would love to be their own boss but they don't know how to go about it or what type of business to start. But by trading online at home, even a newcomer to the trading markets can set up his own office and workspace and focus all his energies and attention on trying to earn a substantial living with his trades. It's also a convenient way to earn income as well. This self-employment aspect is extremely satisfying to a large group of people. And if a person already has significant experience with trading, he can still attempt to go at it alone at home and be successful like so many before him have.
Lower Costs Per Trade
Online trades from the privacy of a person's home invariably costs less per trade than traditional trading methods. It can be a highly profitable work at home career for the intelligent investor who knows the importance of conserving all possible costs associated with each trade. Trading at home allows people to coordinate their trades with an online brokerage firm, and the commission's savings simply can't be surpassed.
Better Technology
Trading at home offers the benefits of utilizing state-of-the-art software and research tools to help traders take better advantage of current and forthcoming trends and substantial profit opportunities. This software technology is intricately designed yet truly easy and straightforward to use. There's no question it greatly benefits any online trader who's handling his trades alone from home. He will definitely feel a greater sense of security and trust when using this technology during each trading session. His online trading confidence levels will also be much improved knowing he has the best possible tools at his disposal whenever he feels the need to use them.
Why Join Trading Education?
Studying at an online trading academy is one of the wisest steps to take to expand a trader's knowledge base. In a rather short span of time, he can learn all he needs to know about Forex trading, stock and options trading, plus any other areas of trading knowledge that he may have felt deficient in before enrolling in the trading academy. Highly experienced academicians and veteran traders design and teach the courses offered at the academy. The cost of completing the training requirements is quite reasonable as well. Without the advanced knowledge base offered at an academy, an at home trader can be at a distinct disadvantage from other online traders who have passed the academic disciplines involved in the study modules.
Where to Invest Money - Best Alternative Investment 2011-2012
If you are an average investor and want to invest money in an alternative investment like gold, silver or real estate don't invest until you know the best investment form to invest in. Where you invest is crucial in 2011, 2012 and beyond because these alternative investments have become volatile. If the markets go against you you'll want to be able to liquidate your investment quickly and easily.
A few years ago investing money in real estate, precious metals or other commodities was out of the question for most folks. These are called alternative investments, and there were two roadblocks if the average person wanted to invest money there. First, it was complicated and risky to play the commodities markets (and still is). Second, liquidity can be a major issue if you take ownership in the physical form. Have you ever tried to sell a property or silver coins in a hurry? Simply put, it can't be done at a fair price. That's called poor liquidity.
In 2011, 2012 and beyond you can invest money in these areas with excellent liquidity and simplicity. Your best investment alternative: exchange traded funds (ETFs). Let me use silver in 2011 as an example. If you held silver coins (rounds) going into 2009 or 2010, you watched prices soar through early 2011. It was probably the best investment around until May of 2011. As silver approached $50 an ounce it got hit hard and the price fell fast. If you wanted to take profits (liquidate) on your silver coins there was no quick and easy way to do it, so you probably did nothing.
Nobody knows where to invest money at all times to earn the best returns in terms of precious metals vs. stocks and bonds vs. real estate. But there is a best way for average investors to go about investing money in all of the above. In our silver example, an exchange traded fund with stock symbol (SLV) was probably your best investment. It is a fund that tracks the price of silver and trades as a stock. If you want to buy or sell you can do it any time (at market price) the stock market is open... on the internet... for a commission of about $10. That's called liquidity, and all you need is an account with a major discount broker to play the game.
With exchange traded funds you can trade the markets, or you can invest money for the long term by putting together your own best investment portfolio that is both diversified and balanced. These funds offer average investors a broad spectrum of choices for 2011, 2012 and beyond. You are missing out on opportunity if you are only investing money in stock funds and bond funds. Put some alternative investments in your portfolio as well. The answer to where to invest in them: exchange traded funds.
A few years ago investing money in real estate, precious metals or other commodities was out of the question for most folks. These are called alternative investments, and there were two roadblocks if the average person wanted to invest money there. First, it was complicated and risky to play the commodities markets (and still is). Second, liquidity can be a major issue if you take ownership in the physical form. Have you ever tried to sell a property or silver coins in a hurry? Simply put, it can't be done at a fair price. That's called poor liquidity.
In 2011, 2012 and beyond you can invest money in these areas with excellent liquidity and simplicity. Your best investment alternative: exchange traded funds (ETFs). Let me use silver in 2011 as an example. If you held silver coins (rounds) going into 2009 or 2010, you watched prices soar through early 2011. It was probably the best investment around until May of 2011. As silver approached $50 an ounce it got hit hard and the price fell fast. If you wanted to take profits (liquidate) on your silver coins there was no quick and easy way to do it, so you probably did nothing.
Nobody knows where to invest money at all times to earn the best returns in terms of precious metals vs. stocks and bonds vs. real estate. But there is a best way for average investors to go about investing money in all of the above. In our silver example, an exchange traded fund with stock symbol (SLV) was probably your best investment. It is a fund that tracks the price of silver and trades as a stock. If you want to buy or sell you can do it any time (at market price) the stock market is open... on the internet... for a commission of about $10. That's called liquidity, and all you need is an account with a major discount broker to play the game.
With exchange traded funds you can trade the markets, or you can invest money for the long term by putting together your own best investment portfolio that is both diversified and balanced. These funds offer average investors a broad spectrum of choices for 2011, 2012 and beyond. You are missing out on opportunity if you are only investing money in stock funds and bond funds. Put some alternative investments in your portfolio as well. The answer to where to invest in them: exchange traded funds.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Top 10 Los Angeles Hotels
Lowest Hotel Prices Guaranteed: Los Angeles Hotels
The Los Angeles area is fortunate to have several fabulous hotels. Each offers the traveler a different ambiance and experience. Some of these Los Angeles hotels are elegant and refined, while others are hip and chic. The following list will help you decide where to stay on your next visit to Los Angeles.
![]() | The Beverly Hills Hotel![]() | |||
![]() | The Bel Air Hotel![]() | |||
![]() | The Peninsula Beverly Hills![]() | |||
![]() | Four Seasons Los Angeles![]() | |||
![]() | Langham Huntington Hotel & Spa![]() | |||
![]() | Raffles L'ermitage Beverly Hills![]() | |||
![]() | The Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey![]() | |||
![]() | Beverly Wilshire-A Four Seasons![]() | |||
![]() | Shutters on the Beach![]() | |||
![]() | Hotel Casa del Mar, Santa Monica![]() |
Friday, March 25, 2011
Top Ten Cricket Teams
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Top 10 Stock Exchanges in the World
1. New York Stock Exchange
Country: United States
Domestic Marker Cap: $ 11,837 Billion
The New York Stock Exchange, the world’s largest stock exchange, is located on Wall Street, in New York, USA. The average daily trading on this stock exchange is about $ 170 Billion. It merged with the completely electronic stock exchange Euronext in 2007. Started in 1792, it was first called the New York Stock & Exchange Board. It trades in the continuous auction format, where traders act as agents and execute stock transactions on behalf of investors. The total capitalisation of listed companies on the NYSE is $ 12.25 trillion.
2. Tokyo Stock Exchange
Country: Japan
Domestic Market Cap: $ 3,306 Billion
Located in Tokyo, Japan, the Tokyo Stock Exchange has 2414 listed companies. It has a combined market capitalization of US$3.1 trillion and was founded in 1878. The London Stock Exchange (LSE) and the TSE are now developing jointly traded products and sharing technology which makes it beneficial for both economies.
Country: United States
Domestic Market Cap: $ 3,239 Billion
“NASDAQ” originally stood for “National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. It is the largest electronic screen-based equity securities trading market in the United States. It has more than 3800 companies listed and has the maximum trading volume as compared to any stock exchange in the world.
4. Euronext
Country: Belgium, France, Holland, Portugal
Domestic Market Cap: $ 2,869 Billion
Euronext is a European Stock Exchange, based in Paris. It had a market capitalisation of US$2.26 trillion. Its merger with NYSE made it the first electronic stock exchange. Formed in the year 2000, it has 1400 companies listed. Currently, the trading volume is USD 25 Trillion.
5. London Stock Exchange
Country: United Kingdom
Domestic Market Cap: $ 2,796 Billion
Founded in 1801, The London Stock Exchange, is among the largest stock exchanges in the world. It has 3000 companies listed and is part of the London Stock Exchanges Group. It is also referred to as the William Morris. It has the maximum number of foreign companies listed and is completely electronic.
6. Shanghai Stock Exchange
Country: China
Domestic Market Cap: $ 2,704 Billion
Located in Shanghai in China, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is the world’s third largest stock exchange by market capitalisation at US$3.07 trillion as of May 2010. It was founded in 1891 and has 890 companies listed on it.
7. Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Country: Hong Kong
Domestic Market Cap: $ 2,345 Billion
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is Asia’s second largest stock exchange, founded in 1891. It has 1,241 listed companies with a combined market capitalization of $2.7 trillion. In 2000, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited together with Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited merged together under a single exchange HKEx.
8. Toronto Stock Exchange
Country: Canada
Domestic Market Cap: $ 1,608 Billion
Toronto stock exchange is the third largest stock exchange in North America and the eighth largest in the world. It was founded in 1861, and descended from the Toronto group of Brokers. It has the most oil, gas and mining companies listed on it than any other stock exchange. It trades about 250 million shares per day.
9. BM & FBovespa
Country: Brazil
Domestic Market Cap: $ 1,337 Billion
Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias & Futuros de São Paulo is a stock exchange based in Sao Paulo. It was established in 1890 and is the 10th largest stock exchange in the world today in terms of market capitalisation. There are 450 companies listed under it. It has offices in New York, Shanghai and London. In 2008, the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) and the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange (BM&F) merged, creating BM&FBOVESPA
10. Bombay Stock Exchange
Country: India
Domestic Market Cap: $ 1,306 Billion
The Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in Asia, and the 12th Largest in the world. It is located on Dalal Street in Mumbai. It has about 5000 companies listed on it. The BSE Sensex is widely used for trading in Asia and India. It was founded in 1875, and its trading volume is $1000 billion. It is the largest of the 22 stock exchanges in India. It has grown significantly since 1990, when liberalisation and privatisation gained momentum in India. The exchange is involved with the development of the retail debt market.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Top 10 Websites For Online Shopping Deals
We live in the age of online shopping. Some people rarely ever enter a mall anymore because it’s so easy to click a mouse and have clothing, accessories, and home goods delivered right to your door. If you ask me, there’s nothing better than a good online sale- there’s no fighting the crowds and you don’t have to take your slippers off. Here are the top 10 websites for online shopping deals.
10. Rue La La. Invitation only shopping sample sales! But it’s easy to get an invite. Rue La La features different designers every day with clothing, accessories, and more for up to 70% off. And it’s not last season’s stuff either. You’ll be amazed at the deals on Rue La La, but you have to be ready. Sales start every day at 11 a.m. EST. and stuff can sell out pretty quickly. Once it’s gone, it’s gone and you’ll have to wait for the next day’s special boutiques.
9. Gilt. Another invite only sample sale site, Gilt has lots of extensions to it. For instance, there’s a site for men’s sales, less expensive hipper stuff, and even a travel site (think hotels at huge discounts!). Gilt has also had wedding sales before, with discounts on designer wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, and more. Gilt sales start at 12:00 p.m. EST, so you can head there after checking out Rue La La.
8. Shop It To Me. It’s not exactly an online shopping site because you can’t purchase from it; but Shop It To Me will help you find all the best online sales. You tell the site your favorite designers and items, as well as your sizes. And every morning, they’ll send you an email with sales you will be interested in. You click on the product’s you love and you’ll be directed to the site you can buy them from. Easy sale shopping!
7. Overstock. This has long been an online shopping favorite. When retailers want to liquidate their inventory, they sell to Overstock, who in turn sells the merchandise to us at discounted prices. They have a little bit (or a lot bit) of everything on Overstock and it’s always smart to check the site out, no matter what you want to buy.
6. Zappos. You probably know Zappos for their shoes. But they actually carry nearly everything in terms of apparel and accessories. The awesome thing about Zappos is that they have just about the best customer service in the world, so you’ll never have any problems purchasing from their website. My favorite of their site features is the sizing guide for shoes. Previous buyers tell you how true to size each type of shoe is, so you don’t have to worry as much about buying a pair of shoes without trying them on first.
5. BeautyTicket. This is like an online sample sale, but for beauty products. They offer tons of premium beauty products and awesome brands at up to 85% off. BeautyTicket will make you never want to buy products from a pharmacy or department store again.
4. One King’s Lane. Another online sample store, but this time for home goods. Redecorating? Head to One King’s Lane and find everything from pillows to rugs to towels to candles, depending on the day. Sales start at 12:00 p.m. every day and make sure you hurry over so you can get the good before everyone else.
3. HauteLook. One more sample sale site, I promise. HauteLook has a little bit of everything from designer clothing to home goods to beauty products to kids’ clothes. The sales start at 11:00 a.m. so add the site to your daily schedule and start purchasing designer goods at great prices.
2. RedTagCrazy. This site is definitely something to go crazy over. RedTagCrazy offers one deal at a time all day long. Designer clothes are featured for specific periods of time, until another item shows up. This can get addicting since you never know when the new deals are going to pop up. Luckily, there’s a web browser alert you can set up, so you can go about your business and still see that the latest sale is!
1. Amazon. Of course, is the #1 best site for online shopping. It just does not get any better or easier. Once upon a time you could only order books from the site, but now they have absolutely everything. Not to mention, nearly every product has been reviewed by users, so you know exactly what to expect. Shipping is often free if you spend $25 and if you become an Amazon Prime Member, 2-day shipping is always free. Almost like instant gratification!
10. Rue La La. Invitation only shopping sample sales! But it’s easy to get an invite. Rue La La features different designers every day with clothing, accessories, and more for up to 70% off. And it’s not last season’s stuff either. You’ll be amazed at the deals on Rue La La, but you have to be ready. Sales start every day at 11 a.m. EST. and stuff can sell out pretty quickly. Once it’s gone, it’s gone and you’ll have to wait for the next day’s special boutiques.
9. Gilt. Another invite only sample sale site, Gilt has lots of extensions to it. For instance, there’s a site for men’s sales, less expensive hipper stuff, and even a travel site (think hotels at huge discounts!). Gilt has also had wedding sales before, with discounts on designer wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, and more. Gilt sales start at 12:00 p.m. EST, so you can head there after checking out Rue La La.
8. Shop It To Me. It’s not exactly an online shopping site because you can’t purchase from it; but Shop It To Me will help you find all the best online sales. You tell the site your favorite designers and items, as well as your sizes. And every morning, they’ll send you an email with sales you will be interested in. You click on the product’s you love and you’ll be directed to the site you can buy them from. Easy sale shopping!
7. Overstock. This has long been an online shopping favorite. When retailers want to liquidate their inventory, they sell to Overstock, who in turn sells the merchandise to us at discounted prices. They have a little bit (or a lot bit) of everything on Overstock and it’s always smart to check the site out, no matter what you want to buy.
6. Zappos. You probably know Zappos for their shoes. But they actually carry nearly everything in terms of apparel and accessories. The awesome thing about Zappos is that they have just about the best customer service in the world, so you’ll never have any problems purchasing from their website. My favorite of their site features is the sizing guide for shoes. Previous buyers tell you how true to size each type of shoe is, so you don’t have to worry as much about buying a pair of shoes without trying them on first.
5. BeautyTicket. This is like an online sample sale, but for beauty products. They offer tons of premium beauty products and awesome brands at up to 85% off. BeautyTicket will make you never want to buy products from a pharmacy or department store again.
4. One King’s Lane. Another online sample store, but this time for home goods. Redecorating? Head to One King’s Lane and find everything from pillows to rugs to towels to candles, depending on the day. Sales start at 12:00 p.m. every day and make sure you hurry over so you can get the good before everyone else.
3. HauteLook. One more sample sale site, I promise. HauteLook has a little bit of everything from designer clothing to home goods to beauty products to kids’ clothes. The sales start at 11:00 a.m. so add the site to your daily schedule and start purchasing designer goods at great prices.
2. RedTagCrazy. This site is definitely something to go crazy over. RedTagCrazy offers one deal at a time all day long. Designer clothes are featured for specific periods of time, until another item shows up. This can get addicting since you never know when the new deals are going to pop up. Luckily, there’s a web browser alert you can set up, so you can go about your business and still see that the latest sale is!
1. Amazon. Of course, is the #1 best site for online shopping. It just does not get any better or easier. Once upon a time you could only order books from the site, but now they have absolutely everything. Not to mention, nearly every product has been reviewed by users, so you know exactly what to expect. Shipping is often free if you spend $25 and if you become an Amazon Prime Member, 2-day shipping is always free. Almost like instant gratification!
Top 10 Nightclubs
The Exhibition Place is home to one of the most popular nightclubs in Toronto. Located in the former horticultural building (the one with the huge dome), Muzik has managed to preserve the historical charm of the building, while transforming it into a massive, trendy, sophisticated club.Century Room
One of the original hotspots in King West, Century Room still stands out amidst the diverse mix of restaurants and clubs in the area. Catering to the young professionals, artsy, and sophisticated crowd, Century Room is a spot for all to enjoy great music, beautiful people, and an amazing vibe.Mansion Nightclub
Claiming to be one of Toronto's sexiest night club; with unisex restrooms, glass ceilings, and ambient lighting, the experience at Mansion nightclub is not to be missed. Located in the heart of the entertainment district with hip-hop/ r&b Friday's and Live to air from Z103.5 on Saturday's, Mansion has something for everyone.
Cheval has quickly joined the ranks of its sister clubs West Lounge, Maro, and Brant House as one of the hippest places on King West. It's interior consists on intimate booths, romantic sunken lounges, and multi coloured mood lighting, and offers a wide variety Martinis garnished with delectable fruits.Dolce Social
A place where music meets fashion, Dolce Social reflects a creative design and layout complete with plush booths and a private fireplace. With upscale events on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, Dolce Social offers a fully licensed roof top patio, perfect for the hot summer night in Toronto.This Is London
Calling it a nightclub is a definite injustice. Boasting 2 upscale dance floors, a fireplace, and courtyard with two fully equipped bars are only a few of the amenities that they feature. The women's washroom is a separate entity on its own, with nooks for hair and make-up touch ups, a pink velvet DJ booth, and a chandeliers, it is truly an experience fit for a princess.Maro
After eating a delicious meal at Maro supper club, stay and experience its transformation into a chic and sophisticated night club. Catering to young professionals, Maro presents "The Red Carpet" event on Saturday nights which features the latest tracks, 5 TV's, 3 projection screens and 3 outdoor patios with a full service bar.Courthouse
With music by the popular DJ CLO, spinning latest in hip-hop, r&b, and top 40 tracks, Courthouse Nightclub is the perfect place to dance the night away.XS Nightclub
Located on Richmond Street, beside the famous Scotia Bank theatre, XS nightclub is definetely one of the city's swankiest club. Featuring a stunning multi-level VIP room, with a 1,500 person capacity, the club caters to the hottest university/college crowd with DJs spinning the latest tracks on a state of the art sound system.Club V
Make the choice of Yorkville's Club V for your hotspot destination. Impeccable design, quality clientele and inulgent service merge amidst Toronto's most prestigious locales. This versatile setting gracefully commands all occasions - intimate gatherings or big splashy celebrations!
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